Okies in the BYC The Original

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If anything fell off the truck, he wouldn't miss it. If you were to ever see our place, you'd understand he is a hoarder. There are piles of useless junk all over our place ... oh, I mean valuable treasures

Just call the American Picker to come out and rumage through it, maybe make a few bucks, if Gerald can ever part with any of those VALUABLE TREASURES !!!!! and not PO them all.

If anything fell off the truck, he wouldn't miss it. If you were to ever see our place, you'd understand he is a hoarder. There are piles of useless junk all over our place ... oh, I mean valuable treasures

Just call the American Picker to come out and rumage through it, maybe make a few bucks, if Gerald can ever part with any of those VALUABLE TREASURES !!!!! and not PO them all.


He is definitely fond of shouting PO
He even wants to PO other people's stuff at the auctions
Game? There's a game today?

Oh, yeah. The Steelers and the Jets go at it. How could I forget?


Best of luck for your Bears today. That should be one heck of a game.
Game? There's a game today?

Oh, yeah. The Steelers and the Jets go at it. How could I forget?


Best of luck for your Bears today. That should be one heck of a game.

LOL your a funny man Jim, it is just the oldest rivalry in the history of the NFL Duuuuhhh. We were playing Football in Chicago when the folks in Dallas were still wearing Loin cloths
How do feel today?? have your hands recovered yet ??.

no the only game that maters to day is jets at PITT but i will wach GB at CHI just for fun if cuttler has a good day then CHI will win but if mathews has a good day then GB will win and we all know that PIT will win at home hines field the jets are not ready fore the greats SS # 43 polimalue is the man !!!!!
LOL your kidding right Joe................... the Jet's are gonna hammer big Ben, he moves about as slow as a giant redwood tree in the pocket LOL. The Jet's are way to fast and accurate for the stumbling Bumbling Steelers. I think the Pitt/Jets game will be blacked out due to lack of intrest LOL. Good luck to you today.

that is verry funny big ben is the best in the lege at extinding the play and why do you think that the jets will get him if the ravens did not do you think that sanches is ready for the #1 D in NFL hahaha you are verry funny
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