Okies in the BYC The Original

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Al those are blue project birds However I was informed by a good friend of mine. that they will turn white. he said that his cornish hatch those colors all the time and they just turn back to white when they lose there fluff I have alot of Projects going right now. And I am trying also to perfect a red laced blue cornish. there becoming more popular each day even the hatcherys are stocking them now. So i am gonna work on these projects and see what I accomplish this time next year.
m.ruzycki I am 34 years old soon to be 35 feb10 th
morning Bg20, I am totally happy with that blue roo I got from michael. He stands out so beautifully against the others. Cant wait to get some babies from him.
I agree with Monty. You all take care and:
Are they standards or banty's ??, Normally they don't change colors, or go straight white, the chick color is just a small precursor as to what their marking will be when as they grow out.

I am unwilling to commit to the twice a day schedule of milking a goat, so likely won't ever have any. Teva, Les's wife, raises LaMancha goats and milks them. She would be the person to talk to about milk goats.

As to the average price - a lot depends on the breed, age and time of year. I am going to take some boer crosses to the auction this week. They would probably bring more money if I were to hold on to them until a little closer to Cinco de Mayo - but they are destroying the cages they keeping getting on on top of and I won't have to feed them the extra 3 months, so it will even out.
If you have any Dramamine or other motion sickness medicine, that will actually help with the nausea.

Sorry you are sick - I will refrain from
until you are better
several of us have had a strange stomach bug around here...it doesn't go away! The fever and stuff quit but I am still having issues a couple weeks later...one guy has had it like a month...yes...he went to the doctor...the cure is almost as bad as the issue! I am mostly good so i am going...well...that was wrong...

I got more better watcing my boy play ball last night...he didn't get the start but that is a seperate issue...they were playing in the land of giants...and our little guys still got rebounds...their coach was ticked! (same coach Bubba has for football)

P&B you are gonna get me in trouble sending me those deals from craigslist...but I love it! Sent them an email...then to talk to the wife...then...

At least school is going beter today! Of course yesterday wasn't bad until the very last part...but I am thinking positive...my wife brought me a Dt. Dew and Reese's! It was the perfect thing yesterday...so i skipped the ice cream!

As a side note on the dip...she actually makes a great dip that has black beans and corn and salsa and stuff....and it is great! it has marmalade or something in it which sounds really wired but it works...
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