Okies in the BYC The Original

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No haven't got to see them, I am having a hard time on here tonight, moving really slow & waiting forever!
Sooner - Does the feed mill in Muskogee have medicated starter, grower, layer, and game bird ration? I'm trying to decide where to go when I get close to my last few bags of feed.
Our weather is like a bad incubator: can't hold a consistent temperature. I had to break ice again. Thank Carhart for thermal overalls.

Major news came via a phone call late last night. DH and I are going to be grandparents again! Our youngest daughter, who lives in California, is expecting her second child. This will make grand baby number four! Now I feel old
BYC needs a new Smilie that looks like an old lady.
Munding doesn't carry anything other than layer pellets 21%. I am not sure about MFA, I have just always got my chick start at Orschlin's (sp).
Coral, congrats on the new truck!

I am still having trouble on here, should be better when I get on a faster connection.....

hope everyone has a great day.
I think your description of Oklahoma weather is excellent.. . . and my Carhart jacket is in the dryer so I can wear it this evening. I treated a rabbit with an absess last night and decided the jacket needed to be sanitized.

Congratulations on the new grandchild!
We think that they keep us young trying to stay up with them.

Yes, compared to Barn Swallow, I too felt like an old lady and would have used an old lady smilie if one had been easily available
Morning from the snowy east! We have another four inches of the white stuff! And its heavy and wet and beautiful. I have all these monuds in the yard that used to be Grasses. Of course the wife is headed to work!Neither rain nor snow,nor heated husband arguing can stop a nurse from makeing her duty rounds!

WEll I put a pot of home grown/processed chicken on for dumplings.Now I guess I'll start the laundry and ironing. Glad I got the rabbite hutch done yesterday!Going to be an inside day today! unless I take the lab for a romp! Gotta play in the snow a little!lol
Beautiful pictures and I am very grateful that they were not taken anywhere in Oklahoma today.
Homemade chicken and dumplings sounds like the perfect meal to eat while watching it snow outside.
You take care and don't fall when you go outside.
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