Okies in the BYC The Original

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Good Morning everyone!!! We are up. had breakfast, getting stuff in the van(wife is taking my truck) Even Heather is up and ate two Honeybuns!!! She is watching Tom and Jerry!!!! One cup of coffee and we are on the way to Tulsa! Heather is so excited she was awake when I got up at 4:30am! Have a good day all! Lynn
Looks like a beautiful day to be outside so I am going to begin by taking feed sacks to Michael Daugherty, up at Mary's and wander around for awhile to see if there is anything that I really "need" for some reason.

Monty - I am going to stay away from the chicken/rabbit sellers other than Michael - I am afraid I might see something that I "want."
Morning, Another beautiful day!
Working on the plans for my grow out pen.
Never been so impatient for Spring.
I now see the down side of broody hens, not that we depend on banty eggs for food.
Good Morning Okies~ I hope everyone enjoys the day, I will enjoy my coffee & then I have lots to do on my list but should be completely done moving stuff today.

I do have to figure out how I am going to store all the egg cartons.
Need some info on Ducks. I am wanting to get a couple for wasp and sticker control. What breeds are best for this. I have my 2 yr old grandson livng with us so my wife is afraid that they will "attack" him so I need a mild mannered also. Should get ducklings and raise them around my chickens or get a coiuple of older ones. what kind of housing will I need and do I need small"pond" or kiddie pool fo rthem to play in.

Any info will be Appreciated and thanks.
Al thats sure not the case around here lol

Well I was so dry the last month or so I had to buy eating egg's from Carla & Gerald at the auction, I hate to have to buy egg's. This year if I have any Cornish cull's I will keep some of them for layers, so I don't run dry again.

Al thats sure not the case around here lol

Well I was so dry the last month or so I had to buy eating egg's from Carla & Gerald at the auction, I hate to have to buy egg's. This year if I have any Cornish cull's I will keep some of them for layers, so I don't run dry again.


good idea
Not6 for sure how good they are for wasp and sticker control. But ducks are are good for most bugs. Especially young ones. Very few ducks are aggressive towards humans.Geese are but not ducks. Since muscovys are better at hatching large numbers and good at raising them I would pick them. The baby muscovys are really active little buggers!Nows the time to get you a pair or trio(or more hens) of grown birds and they will be acclimated to your place and setting come spring time.Also closer to spring the fewer hens you will find for sale. Muscovys will like a small pool to bath but do not find it as nessciary as other ducks,Nest to them I would pick mallards.
Everybody seems to be up and gone already Donnie, I guess they want to get this good weather while the gettin is good.

I just talked to Greybear on the phone - he'd sent me a message to let me know he was meeting Bigokie Chuck at the Admiral Flea Market this morning. I didn't get the message until after he was done with his business and on his way back home - sorry I missed them! He got some little chicks from BigOkie but I forgot to ask what kind. He said there weren't many animals at the flea market. And that's the report from over here!

Sorry I missed you Lynn - next time!
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