Okies in the BYC The Original

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And OkieMoses opened the scroll and said:

Greetings everyone,
I have some important information that I need to share.
We have reached the point where we need to unveil a new
beginning into the next phase of our Journey with BYC.
Within the next week, we will be shutting down our current "Okies in the BYC" thread in order to start the second step in our progression here.
The old thread will be placed in archives where it can be used for reference.
This move will help speed things up on our thread and will better meet the needs of our people.
We have been facing this issue for quite sometime and it was inevitable that would happen at some point.
After talking to Rob, the administrator, who has been a huge help to us here, we are prooceeding with plans to start the new thread.
I will be posting more in the next day or so but Al and I have talked and we want to launch the new thread with lots of excitement and to kick things take off with a bang.
I can promise that the name will be simple and close to the same as we have now so as to avoid confusion.
All in all, not much will change except our post and page counts.
As near as I can tell, our count now, combined, with the cuts that have already occurred we would be over 100,000 posts. and near, if not over 100 pages. I plan to note this when I open the new thread.
I know some of you will have questions. I will try and answer them if I can or refer you to someone else who can.
This is a positive move for us so,
Don't worry be Happy ! !

Okie Moses,
aka Monty, aka Buckguy, aka Kronk among others!
thanks for letting us know- i'd go into serious withdrawals without everyone!! so when is the big shift??

too pretty out today- made a playground for the silkies to get out and scratch around- their going to be disappointed when the weather shifts- back into the spare room until it warms up again- need to make a silkie coop and run in the spring- be good to get the house guinea outside- they sure are loud inside-

have a good one guys!
Let's chat up the new thread and see how many pages we can turn every day! Maybe we can have a contest among the Okies to guess when the new and faster thread will reach 2000 posts. The prize could be a stack of egg cartons and I will be happy to donate them.
Thanks Monty!

We appreciate and love everybody in this community within our community.
We appreciate all the hard work put in by Monty, Al, etc. to keeping this thread on track and within the rules.

Usually these forums are designed for topics with hundreds of pages... not usually thousands of pages. This can sometimes cause the server to run into problems as it tries to process the huge amounts of data each time a long thread is read and posted to.

So, we asked if it would be okay if we "archive" (NOT delete) this thread and begin a new one. We'll probably actually put a policy in place for all really super long threads to move to a new thread once they get to a certain size.

Don't worry, the transition will be super painless, and after a day or so after the move you probably won't notice the difference... well maybe you'll notice things are faster.

Thanks again to everyone in this group and to those that keep things moving in a positive direction!

I am excited about the new Okie thread - I do think it will help our thread move faster, and this is the perfect time of year for all things new!

Great idea P&B about the contest - you always have such great, fun ideas!

Let's do it - Bring it on!
Good Evening everyone!

What a beautiful day it has turned out to be.

We are at the sale barn, and got the doors open and it feels great! Thank the Lord for the Beautiful weather.

Got several cages of birds going to be here today. I already know of over 50 cages of birds that will be here within the next hour or so.

We have Game birds, Shamo, Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island reds, Turkens, and Bantams already here.

We will also have a Dog house, Nest box, t-post as well.

Hope to see alot of okies here today.

We have Vegetable Beef Soup for "Big Pot" Special!

Thanks, Nifty, Maribeth, Beth,
I am ready to do this now but I want to make sure I get the word out to as many as possible first.
So depending on a few things, I will either make the change tomorrow sometime or on Monday.
Glad I checked in today.

It sounds like a really good move and it will be easier to find info with a shorter thread.

Thanks to everyone that have watched over this thread, it's a lot of hard work.

Maybe post a re-direct as the last post?
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Good afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!

A new thread! I am really okay with that since we aren't loosing this one!!! I like the guessing game too, very nice of you to donate egg cartons!

Anyone got any good idea's for storing egg cartons? I have alot of them & I don't want throw them away but they sure take up alot of room.
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