Okies in the BYC The Original

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Many thanks to Nifty Chicken, who has been working hard to clear up the problems some of us have been having with our forum! After several frustrating days, it's now working well for me--hope it is for everone else as well.
I think this pic should be put in for BYC pic of the week, I don't think you could find a cuter pic.
donie-my wife said that you where woundering why i have my pure coranation roo over split hens and a split roo over my pure coranation hen well this is because the pure coranaton are both green fire farms and shar the same parents will the splits are tom dean so i will keep all thecoro pullets from the coro over the splits and a roo from the split over the coro and have a breading flock that is bothe tomdean line and green fire fams and are not closely realated
glad that i was not the ony one nifty sad that the problem was with explorer 8 and was only on this thread sorry if i ofended any one by going to nifty but was only tring to help BANJO
Hi Joe - Looking forward to chatting with you next Saturday at Inola. DH is coming with me to see what a big auction is like. He usually wants to stay home and study, but he said he's committed to making the drive. If you don't want to haul the Delaware boys to Inola, I could meet you some day this week after work. It looks like about a 30 to 40 minute drive from where I teach to the New Life Worship Center at the intersection of Hwy 10 and Old 62. That should be about the same distance from Westville. I wasn't sure if you would be pressed for space taking the Delewares along with other birds on Saturday.

I hope everyone enjoyed the spectacular weather today. I cleaned lots of chicken houses, put new roosts in a few pens, and got out the bleach to disinfect all the water basins. This probably doesn't sound like a vacation day to some, but for me it was. Maybe tomorrow we'll be blessed with more pleasant weather.
hi poco my gramps took over my deli flock due to lack of space and making room for my up and coming susexs flock but he is coming with me to chupps on the 5th and bring 2 roos for you hope the weather is not to bad tus wy poor girls dont know weather to lay or not lol
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