Okies in the BYC The Original

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dont you whant some dont you lol
Donnie - I've got special quarters already assigned for those. That's one of the reasons I'm not going to take Joe up on his offer to pick up some splits or coronations.
Joe - that's something I can say yes to. I'll be getting eggs/chicks from Donnie, and I have made sure to have enough room for a few more, eggs or chicks that is. So yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I will get some chicks from you in the spring.
Hi everyone, Donnie got the message from you and Don! Thanks! I met BigOkie today at Tulsa and picked up 88 RIR and RIR x Red Sexlink chicks, Thanks Chuck! Sent some eggs with him to hatch for me and they should come off close to the time I get the ones from you Donnie! It has been a busy day for me, started early, had a flat on the way to Tulsa but made it there and back on the doughnut! Got the chicks put away in the brooder and worked on building some Pallet pens( supposedly temporary pens!!!) to put the Naked Necks in and the Gamehens in that I picked up from a friend on Friday night, Poor things are still in the carriers but should have them out in pens in the morning, had to stop work on pens and do chores so could get ready and go the my Grand Niece's first Birthday Party!!! Then came home, took a 30 minute power nap and drive to Stillwater and unloaded a 16 foot trailer of scrap metal. picked up stuff to make Sloppy Joe's and Macaroni salad, grabbed some McDonald's and Arby's and went home to eat supper, now I am on here with all yall!!! Long day!!! But fun and am really tired now!!! Lynn
great lynn , i set the brown leghorns from joe last night , and im setting the ones from don tonight so its just a few hours between hatches ....... yours will be hatching with some coronation sussex and buff orps of my eggs
How was the sale Al?

Lynn you made me tired just reading all you did today & I thought I put in a full day!
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