Okies in the BYC The Original

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Couldn't make Carah, I had a water main break on a pasture tap I use to water the animals with. So several hours of digging and some fancy plumbing, and she's a fixed now but I am beat. I also had a rooster that needed Medical tending to, and that took some time as well.

Coral, I did get out to play with my chickens & get ready for the next cold spell. Everyone seemed to enjoy the sunshine. Wish I could of spent more time with them.

Al sorry to hear that, glad you were able to fix it. I am sure enjoying my new water outlet in the new house. It is closer to my pens & lots of water pressure!

Anyone good at making dumplings?
Joe, i think for now I will stick with what we got, thank you so much, hope to get a good hatch and good start from the ones you saved me. Carah I am tired, getting old, can't do what I used to, used to make list and cross off stuff, to tired to make list now!!! LOL Just watched the news and weather, hope all are safe from the grass fires today, please be careful and mindful of others when using any kind of spark or fire! Got a lot to get done tomorrow so better get to bet, Gnite all!!! Lynn
Lack of space is my reason for gifting them to other BYC folks at the auctions and for offering some as a "prize." There was a time, a few years ago, when I would get down to just a few cartons and would wonder what I would do when they were gone. I bought some cartons from Eggcartons.com and within a few weeks of their arrival, folks started giving me more egg cartons than I had eggs to fill them. This past 6 months or so, an anonymous donor has been leaving 3-15 egg cartons at a time on the porch swing. at least twice a week. I thanked the person whom I thought might be dropping them by, but she denied any knowledge. I think that the Meal on Wheels program is saving them for me and someone who lives in the next neighborhood is dropping them by my house. Folks at the office give them to me, my dentist's hygenist saves them for me, folks at the blood bank save them for me. . . . I am very blessed with clean, used one time, egg cartons and since I know that I can always pass them along - I don't ever turn them down.
G-nite Lynn!
Sounds like everyone has had a busy day! Amaseing what warm temps can do! I am wondering if spring is going to come early. I actually saw some small trees today that looked as if they were budding! And we have only had two days above freezeing this month!
Well once again I find myself with all pens full. Know what that means! No more acquiring new birds! NEVER,just time to mkae some more pens!lol
Ityped make wrong,it reminds me the other day I read a deal that said as long as the first and last letters in a word are in the right place your brain will automatically respell the word! naet huh!lol
Enjoyed the Fletcher auction this evening. Thank you, Peaches, for filibustering a little until some of us arrived.

Peaches and I finally figured out the NN bidding so that we don't have to pay a king's ransom. I bid on them this evening and then we divided them. They still went high enough that the seller got a good price, but at least we weren't strongly bidding against each other (I don't think
) We didn't plan that ahead of time, but since it worked out well . . . .

Jaxon was very happy with the Jersey Woolie rabbit that Michael was kind enough to allow him to buy - after I missed bidding on the rabbit Jaxon REALLY wanted, because I was talking to a potential new BYC member. I pulled off tuffs of fur that were matted before I put it into the cage and Jaxon is convinced it is the softest fur ever.
That is so true and I am glad it works, since I transpose letters frequently. Unfortunately, since I read what I think is there, editing is sometimes a challenge since I don't always see the transposition.
I know what you mean P&B! It seems like just in the last year I am really mixing the letters a lot,not for sure why,my brain spells it and my fingers type it backwards!
does anyone have a matured marans roo ? im looking for a marans to make some olive eggers im hoping to find one that posses the nice dark dark egg gene
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