Oklahoma Poultry Shows

There might also be a family or two from my 4-H poultry club there, so it will be more people for us to talk to

Cammie, I think I still have your number with all my show stuff, but I'll let you know if I can't find it. I can probably still recognize your Dad, too.

Okiechick, good idea. You also reminded my that there was a room that had a little setting area and a concession stand, so we really could meet there.
Um, stupid question: This is inside, right? I could've sworn someone said this was in a building, but someone just told me it is outside... *crossing fingers its inside*
Ha! I knew it! Thank goodness, thanks Grace. *haha* Are we allowed to take pictures? I would like to take pictures for my Grandma. Let me know where we are meeting!
Ya, you can take pictures, you just have to use common sense.... like, don't take multiple pictures of a bird when you are up close and using a flash, because they could get spooked and hurt them selves.
So what is the count so far. How many do we have going? I am probably not going to get there until one or so. Too many things come up at once. Come late, stay late I guess.
Here's the information I have so far:

Chickkide - From Wister, Oklahoma - may be showing birds

Okiechick57 - will have a yellow name tag that reads: Kathleen BYC, Okiechick - wearing blue jeans, tennis-shoes, a white top with a RED shirt over it, and a black and tan coat - long brown hair - she's an "old lady with a little granddaughter running around her at 100 miles an hour!" - leaving her house around 11:30

Me (Graceful Bantams)- I said I'd be there probably around noonish until 3:00 - wearing a blue denim "Love me, Love my Chickens" shirt - a yellow name tag that says "Grace... Graceful Bantams"

Buckguy20 (Monty) - From Central Oklahoma - wearing a shirt with a buck on the front

Countyroad1330 - wearing a pearl snap and boots - will be with her parents
hey.....what IS a pearl snap? I am the only one clueless?
we need more to show up ! I sure hope this weather holds till SUnday for us.I will also have my daughter with me.......can't miss us.both bout 6ft tall women
Its a cowboy lookin shirt that has pearl snap buttons up the front. Not sure the one I'm wearing actually has pearl snaps, though... I've got medium length blonde hair, about 5'2". I'm in my 20's but people confuse me with my 17 year old sister sometimes

Okie - Kathi wants to meet us around 1:00 near the entrance and concession stand. Hopefull we will have found each other by then *ha*

Hey! When are the rest of us meeting!?

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