Oklahoma Poultry Shows

Thanks for the offer but I think I got it covered. I wouldn't mind riding in the a truck with three women but then you guys would probably stick me in the back. Ha! I hope to be there by 1:00 or 1:30 but don't wait around for me. I'll find you guys. However I am still looking for my "Buck" shirt.
well. we will all be right by the concession stand /entrance about 1pm.......hope we find you..... I will just walk around saying here buck buck .sure noone will even care
We're just heading out:D I had a slight change of plans, though, so I am now wearing a short sleeved blue denim shirt that has a chicken embroidered on it, and I have a dark red undershirt... I do have my yellow name tag, though !!
Oh my gosh...I had such a good time.so fun to meet you all....... and came away with too much of course.......
hope you had a safe trip back home you guy and gals

Hey Monty..........I have someone interested in buying some of you production reds........let me know I can shoot you their email or vice versa.........
Sure, let me know. You have my email don't you? I have plenty of the production reds to sell.
It was sure nice meeting you guys today. I stayed almost until the last rooster crowed. It was wild at the end with everyone bustling about trading, selling and loading there chickens up. Madesome contacts and even saw some old friends I hadn't seen in years plus met some new ones.
I got out without spending a dime. I almost bought a trio of Gold Campines but I didn't have a cage with me and then two other guys got in a bidding war over them. I am not sure what they brought but I think around $100. I should have tried for them when they were at $20 and no one was bidding. I almost went back and bought the trio of Buff Orpingtons. At $35 bucks I am surprised they didn't sell. They were sure big and beautiful.
Oh, it was all so awesome:D I came out buying only *cough-cough* 10 chickens

Besides you guys, I also got to talk with a bunch of people I've seen/bought birds from at previous shows - how cool

Buckguy, I know the Gold Campines and the Buff Orpingtons you are talking about; they were beautiful birds!
Graceful Do you know? Wade and Sherrydon Walker? Sherrydon is Wades daughter and they show Modern Game Bantams. He is an old friend of mine that I haven't seen in several years. I saw them at the show yesterday. She won Youth Reserve Grand Champion and sevral other things. I think they make all of the Oklahoma Poultry shows.
Do you show chickens? If so why weren't you showing some yesterday.
It was great getting to meet you and the others.
As much of a hard decission as it was, I just couldn't show any yesterday because it was a two day show and Dad didn't want to have to make the trip twice or to stay there or anything. But, then we get to the show and find out that the second day had been cancled because of the weathet :eek:

I know the Walkers' name, but I don't think I ever met them...
Ok Grace, next year we are showing there! A woman told me there was only one non-bearded Silkie and it wasn't black like mine. And she said mine probably had a better crest (she was showing like 20 silkies, very critical.) I'm taking all my birds, whether they're pretty or not *haha* Don't you think they should break each breed into male and female, also? The body shapes and sometimes colors are completely different!

It was really cool getting to run into everyone! I think all of us women should've just agreed to meet at the restroom
When did everyone else leave? We were there until 3:30; my parents are finally interested in chickens.

I wanted to buy some yesterday, but Grace bought them all... Just kidding. What did you buy, Grace? I could've swore you told me blue OEs. My mom said "Ok, all you can have are Mille Fleur and Porcelain d'Uccles, and banty Spangled Hamburgs. You can have whatever Grace has." HA!

Monty, were you talking about the Campine trio? My dad and I thought about bidding on those, too *ha* I had an extra box I could've loaned/sold you! But I don't think it would've held any of the big birds you were looking at. What all do you have now? I never got to ask.

Kathleen, how'd your Orps do? Since we got home after dark, mine spent the night in the house *ha* And then I spent today looking at them and drinking hot cocoa. NOT! I had to get a roof on their pen in the sleet...

EGH, you wouldn't happen to know a man named Danny Glass, would you? He shows moderns.

Oh and Grace, Kathleen introduced me to Marlys (I think?) from the duck rescue. She's very nice, I'm excited about the duck and goose release. She said I need Call Ducks *ha*


I think I've taken up the whole 9th page of this thread now.

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