Oklahoma Poultry Shows

P.S. How's everyone's weather been in their part of the state? Last night and just now we had two BIG sleeting thunderstorms. Its kinda odd.
Cammie, that's awesome that you are going to show there next year! Oh and I feel so honered that your Mom likes my birds
Each breed is divided in to Hen, Cock, Pullet (young hen), and Cockerel (young rooster). We left at 3:00 exactly, but I thought you were already gone... I didn't get to say bye
And, you remembered pretty close, I got 10 Blue Rock bantams.
Marlys is nice, isn't she
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Still getting storms here, the ice is making the power lines heavy so the electricity keeps flashing

Oh Gracie dear... Do you think I could buy some d'Uccle chicks or eggs from you when they start laying? I know your Mille Fleurs are a pair, do you just have a Porcelain roo? And what other chickens are you needing? I will look for a Japanese roo for you.
We lost power about 4:30 and it has been on and off four times since then. The longest was for about four hours. Its on now and this been my only shot at getting on here tonight. Also, it is absolutly pouring right now with thunder and lightening. Plus it is a balmy 27 degrees outside. Oklahoma! Gotta love it!
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I just got knocked off line by the lightening.
Anyway, I started to bid on those Campines when they were just $20 bucks but then right at the end two other guys came over and I think they ended up selling for $100. I looked lovingly at the Buff Orpington trio in the sale room but I held off. I don't think anyone bought them.
Next year I will take some of my Campines to sell there.
I have Gold Campines, Buff Orpingtons, Welsummers, Production Reds, Blue Andalusians, OEG Standards, a black giant hen, some crosses and a rescued Leghorn Rooster. I also have a Cuckoo maran rooster that I will be trying to hook up with some Cuckoo ladies this spring.
I have had as many as 30 breeds at one time and had 12 to 15 different breeding programs going at once. I am going to concentrate on just two or three next year. Famous last words!
Cammie, sure, you can have first dibs at chicks/eggs
There is a shight possibility I'm going to be selling the Porcelains (long story... but, Mom wasn't too thrilled about me bring home 10 more chickens with the Winter upon us
), but if I do sell them, I'll let you know first on that, too!
The Japanese boy is the only one I need, thanks.

Same here!!
Monty - I didn't realize you had so many breeds! I don't know why I thought you only had OEGs. Hey there's a woman in Guthrie giving away a black Jersey Giant roo, if you are interested in that I'll get her e-mail. Don't know anyone with Marans though.

Grace - I can't believe you might sell the Porcelains! Yes please let me know, those are my moms favorite now. So yours wasn't too thrilled about the new chickens? My dads a sucker for animals and would let me bring home anything too *haha*

I made a post with some pictures of the ice damage around here, and I made a post about some ducks that need adoption. Ya'll Oklahomans might wanna check those out.

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