Okra seed?

For ducks, if you provide it only as a snack sometimes All parts of the Okra are eatable.
If you give to much it might give them diarrhoea.

I don't have goats, but here it says it can potentially be harmful for them on the long run due to a little amount of oxalic acid. depends on the amount you give I suppose..

here is an article about okra and chickens

And here I found this about horses: "I would NOT because Okra is in the spinach family and spinach can be toxic to horses. But check with your vet, who needs to nutrionally up-to-speed and won't be giving you a "shoot from the hip" answer."

hope it helps!
My chickens LOVE okra. It was fresh, not aged at all. But my chickens loved when I’d pick my okra. I’d break the pods apart dropping seeds all over and throw it to them. They’d pick it clean and peck every seed on the ground. Now, I wasn’t feeding them tons of it. But half a bucket full I’m not sure. If anything, just throw a handful to them, not the whole bucket.
It's just the dried seed...so I just tossed a handful in with some with some mixed feed. They ate it. I didn't notice any issues and they didn't act like it was a special wonder treat or anything. Did not search it out from the other stuff. I think I will just slowly mix it in with all the other stuff they get.
It's just the dried seed...so I just tossed a handful in with some with some mixed feed. They ate it. I didn't notice any issues and they didn't act like it was a special wonder treat or anything. Did not search it out from the other stuff. I think I will just slowly mix it in with all the other stuff they get.

I haven't given mine any straight okra seed, but I did let some of them work over the garden where some of the late-maturing pods that went woody and split open were laying in the mulch.

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