Old bottles


12 Years
Aug 30, 2007
We have an old trash pit in the pasture in front of our house. For the most part it is buried but when it rains here the dirt moves and sometimes we find old glass bottles sticking out. Mostly they are just plain brown or clear glass, occasionally we find a 50s-60s one with print on it but they are often broken. Today we found a couple that i'm really excited about. Both have maker's marks, but one is almost impossible to read. I can see there is something there but the letters are too faint to be able to actually read. The other has raised lettering down the side reading 'Crab Apple Cream'. I rinsed it out and found the original cork is inside! I checked the maker's mark and it dates between 1915 and 1929. It's amazing to think it survived my husband digging with a backhoe and decades of being just below the surface in a pasture full of horses! It's interesting to get a feel for the actual people who lived here before us on the ranch. Our house predates the bottle, so they may even have lived in our house.
We've found quite a bit of old stuff around our farmstead too. It is a neat feeling to find a connection to the past. We recently had to put a new sewer line in and they dug up an old wine bottle from the 1890s....which means it was more than likely from my husbands great-great grandfather since his family has lived here since the 1880's.
Very cool! I like old bottles and have quite a few hanging around, just for pretty! I love glass in all it's forms, and DH particularly like old bottles, too.

Is there an online reference to the maker's marks? I have had no luck finding one I can afford!
I think it takes a certain eye to find the arrow heads.....2 of my kids have it and have found a lot over the years. I find one once in a while, but not very often.
I have a book on old bottles if you need any info you can't find PM me and I will look it up for ya! It has a load of maker's marks references.

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