Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I have a quick question. My broody is on her 5th day. She wouldn't let me move her so she is sitting in one of the best boxes in the coop. It has been pretty hot here lately and she was panting this morning. So I opened up both doors in the coop which coolers her down. However I noticed her comb and wattles are very pale. Is this normal? I am afraid she may not be eating and drinking.
She probably got heat stroke. they feel the heat and drink tons normally. Mine is in a cool part of the house so no problems there. Also easy to see if she ate because her food dish will have signs of it. I give mine hen supplements as well. Lasts one day and I change it. She gets out every 2-3 days for dust bath, food and exercise. She has not eaten anything mostly between those times. I keep her water changed every 1-2 days. Sitting on a muscovy egg right now. Due now!
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They often get pale when setting, but only 5 days in seems quick to be looking poorly. If her eyes are bright and clear and her reactions are at normal speed then it may just be her 'normal', every hen is a bit different. Watch her closely for any signs of distress and make sure her nest area gets ventilation and doesn't get too warm.

She probably got heat stroke.  they feel the heat and drink tons normally.  Mine is in a cool part of the house so no problems there.  Also easy to see if she ate because her food dish will have signs of it.  I give mine hen supplements as well.  Lasts one day and I change it.   She gets out every 2-3 days for dust bath, food and exercise.  She has not eaten anything mostly between those times.  I keep her water changed every 1-2 days.  Sitting on a muscovy egg right now.  Due now!

Thanks for the advice. :) I pulled her out of the nest box and got her to eat some feed yesterday. Today she came out into the run and was eating, drinking, dustbathing, and cleaning herself. Then she went back up to the nest boxes and has been there ever since. She is not looking pale now either. Since tomorrow is day 7 I am going to candle tomorrow night and see if anything is growing!
you know chicks can run through dog crates?  Is it the wire kind?  The spacing can't be more than an inch.  Plastic molded ones are good at first.  When I had mine it was surprising to see how big they were and still get through the spaces.  

Yes I am aware. I tried to move her and her nest into a large bird cage but she was having none of it. When I tried the dog crate she sat right on down. I have cardboard covering up all sides except the top and bottom of the crate. Today is day 20!
Yes I am aware. I tried to move her and her nest into a large bird cage but she was having none of it. When I tried the dog crate she sat right on down. I have cardboard covering up all sides except the top and bottom of the crate. Today is day 20!
Oh you are so close. that is what I did too with the card board. They kept pulling it down, pushing it down, jumping over it. My week old can jump out of a 14"h storage tote. tyranasaurus chick. Lucky you to have a nice broody too..
Thanks for the advice.
I pulled her out of the nest box and got her to eat some feed yesterday. Today she came out into the run and was eating, drinking, dustbathing, and cleaning herself. Then she went back up to the nest boxes and has been there ever since. She is not looking pale now either. Since tomorrow is day 7 I am going to candle tomorrow night and see if anything is growing!
If you still have hot weather she should get the same chance whenever she needs it. You probably have to help her with that but she sounds determined even too determined to hatch those eggs.
I have a Delaware that has gone broody and refuses to leave the dog crate she chose to brood in. I put food and water in there for her and she will eat and drink, but she has not come out of there for 4 days. No broody poop or anything. I guess she'll come out when she wants to... it's only day 5, but all of my other broody girls would come out once a day or every other day to poop and dust bathe. I guess she knows what she's doing, but this is her first time setting. As long as she's eating and drinking, should I just let her be?
[COLOR=141823]Bella and baby[/COLOR]


Wow, that little ducks is getting big quickly!

Yes I am aware. I tried to move her and her nest into a large bird cage but she was having none of it. When I tried the dog crate she sat right on down. I have cardboard covering up all sides except the top and bottom of the crate. Today is day 20!

So exciting! Keep us posted!

I have a Delaware that has gone broody and refuses to leave the dog crate she chose to brood in. I put food and water in there for her and she will eat and drink, but she has not come out of there for 4 days. No broody poop or anything. I guess she'll come out when she wants to... it's only day 5, but all of my other broody girls would come out once a day or every other day to poop and dust bathe. I guess she knows what she's doing, but this is her first time setting. As long as she's eating and drinking, should I just let her be?

So long as she has access to food and water, she should be fine. Also, she should have enough room to get up and stretch. All broodies are different, and so long as you provide the right conditions, she will do her thing! ;)
Oh you are so close.  that is what I did too with the card board. They kept pulling it down, pushing it down, jumping over it.  My week old can jump out of a 14"h storage tote.  tyranasaurus chick.  Lucky you to have a nice broody too..

Hahaha "tyranasaurus chick". So far no problems with the cardboard and yes I am lucky to have such a nice broody girl :) she was my "lap chicken" before she became broody and doesn't leave the nest unless I'm there to "keep watch" for her and she still likes to hop into my lap to get a nice head scratch :)
I have a quick question. My broody is on her 5th day. She wouldn't let me move her so she is sitting in one of the best boxes in the coop. It has been pretty hot here lately and she was panting this morning. So I opened up both doors in the coop which coolers her down. However I noticed her comb and wattles are very pale. Is this normal? I am afraid she may not be eating and drinking.
Pale combs and wattles are normal during broodiness- it is a sign that they are not laying eggs. It is a good idea to increase the ventilation in the coop. In terms of worrying about whether she is eating and drinking, can you tell if she has lost any weight?

Some hens become so broody that they forgot to eat and drink. They are almost in a trance. If she has lost weight and it appears as though she is not eating and drinking, you can choose to intervene or not. Intervening would involve physically lifting her off the nest a couple of times a day and place her next to some food and water. Or you can leave her alone and trust her instincts to kick in so that she starts to eat or drink.

Option 2 is my preferred option, but if the hen just seems to be getting weaker and weaker you might want to intervene. Also if you might want to check her out for mites- Some broodies (a tiny minority) do end up starving themselves to death.

Keep in touch...

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