Old hens will not set anymore?


12 Years
Aug 24, 2007
I have a 4 year old New British Game Hen [ Banty } and she has been the best mother of any hen I have had. Now that she will not lay any longer, I am wondering if she also will not set? I suppose I know the answer -- but I need her to take care of baby chicks - because she keeps them for 6 weeks and really gets them off to a good start. Her name is Ashley, and I used to write children stories about her because she is so smart and different from the rest of the flock.
Aww she sounds like she is a keeper for sure. I never had a hen that old yet as I have only been into chickens for two years now but I hope to find out. I have a wonderful Serama mother that I hope will still brood chicks after her laying cycle is finished. Interesting question though and I hope someone knows the answer to this.
Funny you should ask, I got a little hen one time from the fair. She was real sweetie and after a few years stopped laying, however she was the first one to always want to sit on a clutch of eggs and hatch them out. she made a wonderful mother and would attempt it many times a year whenever she got the feeling after one set of babies were on their own. Keep her, she may be a real gem to you now still. And if not, she was a good hen, let her live her time out in peace.
She is in no danger of not being kept. She is a keeper. She had one daughter - half Americana and she is also a good little sitter, plus her last two chicks are now 10 weeks old and following her around, and sleeping with her. Ashley is a wonderful breed: and I would love to find more of the same.

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