Once flighty always flighty?


hillbilly extraordinaire
Mar 31, 2022
Missouri Ozarks
Was shocked to find a BCM in the neighbors yard (she hopped two fences). I didn't expect this from these lazy, docile pullets.
I can clip wings but is this something I should expect to continue? We are surrounded by dogs so it's really not ideal. :hmm
It is not a good deal. How tall is your fence? Maybe look at bird netting. My predators are such that I have to have an over the top fence. My point is, a lot of dogs can jump pretty high too.

I have leghorns this year, the flightiest birds I have ever had, think nothing of 8 feet. The rooster was on top of the run the other day. They think they are eagles...well at least robins.

Mrs. K
I have leghorns this year, the flightiest birds I have ever had, think nothing of 8 feet.

Mrs. K
Fences to leghorns are nothing but suggestions. Although their ability to forage is pretty amazing. My leghorns caught a small Blue Jay yesterday. I looked out there and they were running around like small raptors disassembling it. Told my wife to get ready for some Blue Jay flavored eggs. I have a few leghorn hens that I have repaired after being pecked that follow me around. I also feed scratch in the mornings so I always try to hand feed a few to keep them somewhat tame. Love my leghorns. :love
@Ozarkoak I have had chickens for years, but never longhorns, I knew they were suppose to be flighty, BUT REALLY I had no idea!

I have sat down there, called with treats, I have always been able to round up my birds as needed...these are like rounding up the wind.

I have a totally enclosed run due to the smartest coons on the planet live here. It is chainlink, and yesterday they were on TOP of it. oh well, one is reddening up, so hopefully laying will calm them down a little.

Poor Bye, my rooster, he is going to have his hands full chasing these girls.

Mrs K
Poor Bye, my rooster, he is going to have his hands full chasing these girls.

Mrs K
We have 7 roosters total. 4 leghorns 2 White Rock and 1 RIR. The leghorns run the pasture. The RIR is giant and has a White Rock girlfriend and the White Rock are so fat they can only catch what the leghorn roosters hold down. I'll try to take some pictures of my leghorn roosters tomorrow.

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