One Escapee


Dec 17, 2022
Hi Everyone! I am new to chickens, inheriting (8) 1-year old chickens last month. I am currently getting between 5-7 eggs a day and all of the chickens seem to be happy and healthy... except for one. Kate Henburn has been flying over the chicken fence every morning. She doesn't do much other than peck in the backyard. (She laid an egg outside of the fence two days in a row and the second day I caught her eating it. I assumed it was because she hadn't had access to her normal food in the fenced area as she didn't keep doing it.) I have two dogs who don't particularly care for the chickens so I didn't want her continuing to fly over the fence every day. Last night we clipped on of her wings and today on the camera I saw she is pacing at the gate and trying to push through it. All the other chickens area happy to stay in the fenced area but she seems desperate to escape. Any ideas as to why?

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