One of my boys likes oyster flakes 🤦‍♀️


Jun 17, 2023
I just caught one of my drakes eating a new brand of oyster flake I bought cause the others were unavailable.... Never seen them show interest before. Guess I won't be able to give them to the girls while the boys are out....


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How much did he eat? Testing it out is fine as long as he doesn't eat it every day.

And are you sure he was swallowing and not just picking it up and dropping for the hens to see?
Some of our roos like to show *everything* to the ladies, tidbiting over grit... even so far as when I tip a water bucket out, "Ooh, mud! Honeybuns, look I found mud! I'M the only guy with mud around here!"
He looked like he was eating it. First time I've seen it. Usually with the other flakes they might check it out but never eat it, usually not even approaching it. These flakes are smaller though so wonder if that's why.
And then.... When I was treating my drakes foot with the green Epsom salt poultice he kicked his foot and some splattered on the straw. One of my other drakes saw and thought it was a pea and went for some, not sure if he got any, they're fast when it comes to peas. I picked up the straw that had some on it and tossed it out. I wrap his foot in the pen because he's calmer. Usually the others keep their distance but I guess today wasn't one of those days

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