online hatcheries

I've been ordering from McMurray for a few years now - love them!

I've found their customer service to be excellent. If any chicks are lost on arrival or within the first week, they will credit back to you. I've noticed that my losses are tied to time of year (i.e. Feb hatch less hardy than May). I've also called after ordering online to switch delivery dates or swap breeds. They let you order one of something, and in most cases you can also choose between hens, roos, or straight run. I love this option because I like trying many different breeds - my last order was 2 each of 12 kinds of chicken!

They have a 25 minimum for chickens, 10 for ducks/geese, and 10 for turkeys. I usually get the full orders (or double!), enjoy raising the babies, then sell a bunch on my local Craig's List. I've never had trouble finding people who want to buy a couple of birds! I just follow my local CL and see what people are looking for, then fill out my order with those. I wanted 2 geese this year, so I also got 8 pekin ducklings and sold them yesterday, at a week old, on Craig's List for $5 each. Easy as pie.

Also, McMurray specializes in "fancy" breeds. I've really enjoyed raising lots of different breeds, not just the usual sexlink or rhode island red. And, they have the BEST catalog. It's detailed, lots of pics of chicks and full grown, great info overall and well written - its all I can do not to order them all!

I highly recommend McMurray.

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