Aug 6, 2017
I ordered 14 pastel guinea hen eggs on ebay, that was probably the cause of my "issue"
I use issue lightly because there's nothing wrong with the single guinea keet that hatched. Actually she's the prettiest chick i've ever seen. Pudding Pops is her name and she's about 3 and a half months old now and she has bonded strongly to me. She will come running if I call her, waits for me for hours on the porch so I'll come out, I spend many hours outside with her because she is so needy. She is happiest sitting in my lap or shoulder pecking me painfully.
I had 6 guinea hens last summer and they all died mysteriously except for two that I named Mean Bird and Lady Bird. We also have many chickens but P-Pops will not bond with any of them. She only likes people and will sneak in the house if she gets the chance.
While this is adorable and I love it, is this healthy for Pudding Pops? Is there any advice on guinea hens and their natural behavior. I only have three guinea hens and they are a very very strange group of birds! Does anyone have any advice for raising guineas? I think they are the most wonderful birds!
I have many questions about many of their behaviors and I am going to post them individually! Thank you for reading!
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Pudding Pops sounds very sweet! I don't know much about guineas, but I do know lots of people have indoor chickens, sometimes just a single chicken. Normally, I would say birds would rather be outside, but Pudding Pops seems to want to come inside. You could buy chicken diapers and keep her indoors, but have a doggy door put in so she could come and go as she pleases. If you would rather her live outside, putting her in a closed run outside would help her become more accustomed to the other birds and used to living outdoors. I don't know much other about guineas, but I'm sure others will chime in.

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