Ontario, Canada

You can contact Performance Poultry for a list of extras, I just picked some up this week, they are one week old chicks.  Good luck!

Thanks! I did contact them but they don't have the kinds I'm interested in right now. Might just stick with what I have and order more next January
Lol, I was there too
, picking up day olds

How many did you get? And are they all doing well?

I've lost 4 of 35

Ohh sorry about the 4. :( We just ordered 13 because we're also
hatching some next week. The chicks are a mix of Ameraucanas, RIRs, Black Jersey Giants, and Cuckoo Marans. They're all doing great and all aspire to be great escape artists too! The Ameraucanas sure can fly, for being little things. What kind(s) do you have?
Ohh sorry about the 4. :( We just ordered 13 because we're also
hatching some next week. The chicks are a mix of Ameraucanas, RIRs, Black Jersey Giants, and Cuckoo Marans. They're all doing great and all aspire to be great escape artists too! The Ameraucanas sure can fly, for being little things. What kind(s) do you have?

Black Australorp
Buff Orpington
Buff Brahma
Golden Laced Wyandotte
Speckled Sussex

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