Oops bought emu hatching eggs



6 Years
Oct 10, 2016
Southern Ohio
As a way to keep track of data and the whole experience.

I've wanted emu for years. But not just any emu, I want whites and blondes. So this year as a early bday present to myself I bought 3 eggs off ebay.

Did I do any research beforehand? Not really. I knew they needed a incubator with headspace. And that eggs closer to your location had a better hatch rate.

I purchased 2 eggs (A&B) from the same breeder. They were in Michigan. We were having storms and they had lost electric. We chatted and decided to ship the eggs out on Monday and hopefully they'd have power by then.

A couple days later they were on their way and I bought another hatching egg (C). This time from Northern Ohio.

So Friday morning the post office called with the 3rd emu egg. I drove up to get it then run up to Jackson to pick up a rooster 😅 The wind was bad and it was rainy. I spent the day picking up odds and ends then made it back home. With a silkie rooster and 6 polish chicks 😂 It really wasn't bad out at that point.

The plan was to let the eggs sit for 24hrs then put them in the incubator. Well Ohio had other plans. We lost electric at 6pm that night.

So here I was trying to keep the polish chicks warm and thankful I hadn't set the eggs yet. We got electric back around 1pm on Saturday but it flickered a good bit. Sunday after work most of our area had their electric back so I went ahead and set all 3 eggs Sunday night 3/5/23.

Temp 97F and Humidity well 16-25%
I usually incubate dry so this is new.


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I weighed each egg before putting them in and figured out how many grams they needed to lose during incubation. Below is starting weight and week 1 weight and calculation. Weigh ins are on Sunday nights so week 2 weights will be updated tomorrow night.


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Weighted them a few hours early since I was downstairs anyway. Slightly concerned that C is not losing like the other 2. Still within normal range but pushing it at 10g a week so far. Maybe I should swap eggs around?


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