Opinions wanted on vaccine reaction


Crazy for Silkies
11 Years
Jan 17, 2013
I got all my chick's vaccinated for Mareks at the hatchery. I usually do and I've NEVER seen this before. One of my buff orpington chicks seemed lethargic and sleepy. I gave her a small amount of sugar water to try to perk her up. Then I noticed she started sticking her leg out like paralyzed. When I handled her she pulled the leg back normally. Then she started sticking both legs out like Mareks disease. She was under 24 hours old. She passed away shortly after this. The only thing I could think of was a reaction to the vaccine. I researched and they say it's impossible for the vaccine to give them Mareks. It's derived from the natural Turkey virus. The strange part is what was happening with her legs. They are not on a slippery surface or anything that can cause injury to the legs. And she was not genuinely paralyzed. As I said she could pull the legs under her as normal when I picked her up. She seemed fine when she was first introduced to the brooder. She drank and ate normally. Then it started with her legs. I'm trying to figure out what happened to her. The way she stretched both legs out was exactly like Mareks. I know she's too young to have contacted anything but she got her vaccine before she was shipped out. What do you all think? Is this a simple failure to thrive or was she having a reaction of sorts to the vaccine. The involvement with both her legs led me to think perhaps she was vaccine sensitive? What do you all think? All the other 14 chicks are doing well thank God. I'm using a Brinsea brooder . Radient heat. Plenty of room. They have a cool area if they like. Feeding medicated feed. Also probios probotics. Always done things this way. I sure wish I could have saved her. What does this behavior of the chick say to you? Thanks for your help.
There's a million and one reasons why she might have acted like this and died. It's not the vaccine. Mass produced chicks just have issues sometimes, which are compounded by shipping stress.
Aww thanks you all are so wonderful! I was soo sad. I looked at the buff orpingtons today a TSC. You have to get 4. I thought maybe I could sneak in a couple new ones but sadly four is too many. So excited for the buffs this year I was so bummed.

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