Order Cancellation/Refunds with Murray McMurray?


Nov 5, 2020
Northwest Arkansas
I'm back to being active on these forums, because my parents said we're likely going to be expanding the coop this year! Meaning I need to get to ordering baby chicks pretty soon. We've got 4 chickens now- three hens and a bantam rooster- and would likely be upgrading to a 8x16 foot run from a 7.5x7.5 foot run, so room for many more chickens! I love unique and rare breeds, which sell fast, so I want to get an order placed for early June ASAP. But, there's always the chance that our coop expansion plans may have to be set aside, and I don't want to put off the order until everything is done, because then I'd lose out on some epic crested breeds. I figured I could place an order now, and if we don't finish the expansion in time for new chicks this summer we could cancel the order.

Murray McMurray says that orders can be cancelled until a specific date, and I'd assume this means that the order is also refunded, but the section on the FAQ page about order cancellation doesn't specifically mention a refund. If I were to cancel an order (within the dates that Murray McMurray sets for cancellation) would I recieve my money back for the order that I placed? It's something that I would assume but since it doesn't outright say it on the page, I want to check.
If I were to cancel an order (within the dates that Murray McMurray sets for cancellation) would I recieve my money back for the order that I placed?
Some places charge a cancellation fee.

McMurray does not for chickens but does charge a fee for waterfowl..

copied from their site (also used them and cancelled my order before)..

"Order Cancellations​

See below for deadlines* and charges for order cancellations. Please read carefully as the day and time varies for each type of poultry or fowl.
Cancellations and changes to orders for baby chicks must be made by 12:00 PM Central on the Friday before scheduled delivery. NO CANCELLATIONS CAN BE MADE AFTER THAT TIME.

Cancellations and changes to orders for waterfowl must be made by 12:00 PM Central on the Friday before scheduled delivery. A $10.00 late cancellation fee will be applied to any cancellations made between 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM Central on the Friday before scheduled delivery — NO CANCELLATIONS OR CHANGES CAN BE MADE AFTER THAT TIME.

Cancellations and changes to orders for guinea keets must be made by 12:00 PM Central on the Friday before scheduled delivery. NO CANCELLATIONS OR CHANGES CAN BE MADE AFTER THAT TIME.

Cancellations and changes to orders for pheasant or Chukar Partridge chicks must be made by 12:00 PM Central on the Wednesday before scheduled delivery. NO CANCELLATIONS OR CHANGES CAN BE MADE AFTER THAT TIME.

Cancellations and changes to orders for quail chicks must be made by 12:00 PM Central on the Friday before scheduled delivery. NO CANCELLATIONS OR CHANGES CAN BE MADE AFTER THAT TIME.

Cancellations and changes to orders for turkey poults must be made by 12:00 PM Central on the Thursday before scheduled delivery. NO CANCELLATIONS OR CHANGES CAN BE MADE AFTER THAT TIME.
Cancellations and changes to orders for juvenile birds must be made by 12:00 PM Central on the Friday before scheduled delivery. NO CANCELLATIONS OR CHANGES CAN BE MADE AFTER THAT TIME.

*Deadlines are subject to change."

ETA: I got full credit back to my card within days, store credit is not the same thing as a refund.
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