Organics in Maine


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2017
A big part of the reason I have layers and am attempting meat birds is so I can control the quality of my food that comes out of them. That means what I put into them needs to be high quality, too. For me, that means soy-free, organic, and lower corn would be nice. Unfortunately, between my job, my commute, and my other life requirements, I don't have the ability to grow all of my own feed, as much as I'd like to. What I'm struggling with is finding the quality feeds that I want at prices I can stomach. Since soy-free grower of any stripe is impossible, my next option is for fermenting whole grains for my upcoming layers and my meat birds.

What I've found so far:

Longhorns in Buxton carries Green Mountain, including their soy-free layer and barley.

Paris Farmer's Union has organic scratch (no soy) as well as having just started to carry Green Mountain. They don't have the soy-free layer, and I'm not sure if they can order it for me, but they do have the barley.

What I need:

Organic oats, wheat, etc at less than $1/#. I tried the Portland CoOp- they'll get me 50# bags, but it's over $1/# for any of the grains.

Pre-made soy-free "mixed flock" or grower as a dry supplement.

Where do you find your organic feed in Maine? Or do you? Please share!

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