Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

We finally got in our other line of Ko’s. There are definitely differences and nuances to each of the lines. The first line seem to be less skittish from the get go. We’ll see if they settle down as they are handled more…especially, by our kiddos.

They are in quarantine for a couple weeks.


his offprings are looking good
SD_Paulo when I got my first Kos they were wild as jack rabbits. A little handling and now they meet me at the door wanting attention. Do you flock breed your ko or do you use indivual pens. My ko are as game as any big fowl I have seen. The hens are as tough as the cocks. The hen in this picture has to stay by herself except when I am there to watch the breeding. If not she is to hard on em. I like a hen that shows some spunk, but some of these girls go at it constantly.
GotGame a question for you. Back in the spring I got the bantam shamo from you. Since then I had gotten rid of all of them, but as of late I got one pair back for a project. Was wondering what the color make up was of these birds and how it was derived at. Dont know if it shows up good enough or not, but there are several feathers with gold tips and coloring. Was grey used in their makeup. Its a curiousity thing more than anything. But might determine how I use this pair. Thanks


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