Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Sorry my friend they are not Thai (Thailand) gamefowl but Taiwanese gamefowl (way bigger than any thai variety such as southern Thailand Gai Dai etc etc)- they are just mixed split rings I use for during the breading season for my records.
Sorry I think you got a bit confused

I don't know what type of Thai's you have as I've not seen them yet. The Taiwans I have - The breed orginates from the Island of Taiwan, that's between China and Japan, so not near Thailand at all and have nothing what so ever to do with Thai gamefowl. Taiwans are way bigger than any Thai gamefowl, the father to my 10 month old black Taiwan stag is 14lb !!!

Be Interesting to see photos of your Thai's though.
I will have to go out tomorrow morning and chase them around, It's dark here now. At 5 months, I haven't weighed them, but they are twice as heavy as the "regular chickens" they were hatched with. They are taller, but developing much slower than the Marans. The stags still peep like chicks, are just starting to get little bumps on their combs, and I still can't tell the difference between the sexes, except the brown ones are all girls, and the colored ones are boys (I think). And the boys were white when they hatched, now almost completey black.
I'm so confused! I have one boy, his egg was marked Ninja, and a few others said Saipan. Now Ninja (that wound up his name) has the most incredible purple sheen to his feathers. He started out white with a few black spots, and looked like a cow, getting more and more black spots.
I hope the sun is out tomorrow morning!
Ok, so these pictures don't look anything like the beauties you are used to looking at....
Please tell me if I am wasting your time and mine.
Of course, trying to keep them still long enough... You know!
That grey one in the bucket hatched out orange. Right now the black stag in the laundry room is 3 lbs. And top of washer to bottom of cabinet is 17". Now I need to go clean all the mealworms out of the washer! Thanks for looking!
In part that is because they aren't grown yet. Secondly, you buy stock from breeders you know that you can trust.

At this point, I'd suggest you just wait 9 months and then post some pix.
So there may be a chance they will grow up to be beauties?? That's exactly why I haven't posted anything, I KNEW they are too young. Do you think my washer-boy Ninja looks any good for 5 months? Does the sheen on his feathers come through on the computer, even though he got pooped on last nite? Thanks again, Roberta
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I am far from an expert, but I think they show some promise. OG's take a LOT of patience, they mature slowly, and change so much along the way....

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