Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

lol Isn't that the truth. It is sad but true, there's little knowledge in the showroom except in the game-rich regions, of gamefowl. And no offense meant to the artists out there but the illustrations also just don't portray the gamefowl too well. I don't want to come off as rude saying that, I just notice it, and in a way it does make sense though because most exhibition out there are for normal dual purpose, layer, or simply exhibition type breeds. They don't need to have a certain presence, behavior, muscle tone, shank shape or strength, etc.

Speaking of which, Walt, I'm curious, has there been any attempt or discussion on LF American Games being accepted to the APA? I see American Game Bantams have come through some while ago, but I'm curious as to the LF birds. I understand the huge variety of them considering their different lines and characteristics for each, just curious if a group of people have tried putting out a general image of American Games as a breed.
There has always been some interest in getting the American games into the APA SOP. The APA just admitted the American Game bantams a couple of years ago. The reasons the LF have not been admitted are:
1. Too many people arguing about how they should look (they want any color leg and any kind of comb etc)
2. No one has ever seriously tried to have them admitted.
3. It may not be easy to get 50+ of each variety at one show. They can be done one variety at a time, but that is still not easy. Once one color is admitted, the rest will be a lot easier, because the type will be approved by then.

There is an individual who I think will eventually attempt to get them in, but anyone can start the process. The procedure is outlined in the APA SOP.
The colors available to be used are the same as the American Game bantams with brassy back also available. Brassy backs were never qualified for some reason with the bantams.

Well done! Hope to see some photos....

Just won BB with a dark red Asil cockerel.
Friend of mine won res champ AOSB with a white shamo

Will have to post pics soon
I now have KO Shamo! I met up with Old*Cowboy this weekend and I have 2 trios! They are really tame birds. They do not like seeing any other males or other birds for that matter. I will post pick tomorrow!


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