Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

I'm not saying everyone has to sell eggs, but one shouldn't bad mouth someone that does.
To quote Walt "They are my birds and I can do anything I like with them."
I agree with Walt 100%. What you'al don't understand is we all have that right.
All peddlers aren't peddling junk, and I think that is what bothers you.
If all peddlers were peddling junk It wouldn't hurt your business at all.

If you are a Christian you don't have to shout it people can tell.
If you have good birds,you don't have to shout it, the word will get around,

Live and let live
ya kno i didnt mean to start such a prolonged argument! bu ti have heard both sides! if i am ever honored to own a set of orientals i would be one that would take a noob under my wing(no pun intended!) and show them how to raise the breed! now i am far from that! that is for sure! but i can see where BKs arguement has its merits. i am not a greedy person. i dont think anyone on this thread is! so i give away eggs all the time to my neighbors! now the eggs i give away are not my faves thats for sure! i wont give out my sumatra or yokie eggs at all! i want to have more of those! i think thats what every one that dosent sell eggs does as well. i would give out those eggs to a friend that showed intrest in my birds and wanted to have some. just like some stated they gave away their stock. to each his own! i have learned alot from you all and i thank you for sharing all your wisdom on this forum! as i was the one to start this subject i wish to end it on a good note!

now can we have some eye candy?!
Man yall get serious about your Chickens! Lol But in all reality the "True Breeders" who dont sell their eggs and bash those who do cant really claim their birds are top of the line until they go into the pit, but thats illegal so youll never know. At least their purdy tho

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