Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Spring is here!!!! Well at least for most of us on the West Coast. I thought I would share a few photos of the new residents of the yard.

Photo 1) White Aseel Argentino hen. Photo 2) Flat Comb Hennie Ganoi hen. Photo 3) is a Thai hen

I thought it was always spring where you live, Paulo. ;). It snowed all day here at my place, winter is still in full force. Very nice looking ladies in your pictures, I am very partial to the white asil.
I thought it was always spring where you live, Paulo.
. It snowed all day here at my place, winter is still in full force. Very nice looking ladies in your pictures, I am very partial to the white asil.
Lol....We could use more rain out here but that about it. I hope the weather gets better soon for you guys! Thanks for the kind comments buddy.
I thought it was always spring where you live, Paulo.
. It snowed all day here at my place, winter is still in full force. Very nice looking ladies in your pictures, I am very partial to the white asil.

Same here. Even Easter hunt has been cancelled. 35 degree is the highest daytime so far and it's like heat wave coming thru. My girls are laying but became scrambled egg so far.
OK, here are the first little products of my hillbilly experiment, brown red cubalaya cockerel x what passes for an aseel hen locally. The brown red fellow was a sport of my whites and I don't currently have access to any wheaten or black cubalaya hens

One chick has a lot less feathers on it's head than the other.

Their legs have a wash of black or gray over their bright base color. I can't decide what the base color is on all of them - I have 2 of these hens and each has 2 chicks. Some appear to have a yellow or orange base color, others may be pink. One of the hens has yellow soles, the other pale pink. I'm afraid the one white chick has yellow legs.

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