Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Sending eggs into the US requires lost of paperwork, time and money.
I have a friend that has been working on an import hatchery now for over 2 years and it hasn't been approved to open yet.
Sending eggs into the US requires lost of paperwork, time and money.
I have a friend that has been working on an import hatchery now for over 2 years and it hasn't been approved to open yet.

wat about sending out the US...I know that this side if they found the eggs in the post they would eat them and forget about them...and the chances of them getting to me are very good
Two hens laying on eggs woooo hooooo.
Hope they hatch before start getting to cold
Strong looking hens Gallo. I have a black Shamo hen who recently finished her molt and decided to just now lay her first set of eggs. Oh, well, i hope she sets too. If not they will go under a broody. Good luck with your hens.

Hi, I'm new here. Here is a picture of my top cock, a brazillian game fowl with his pretty little blue hen. He's tough as nails-- has fought off a coyote and sent him packing (although i had to amputate a toe afterwards) and survived a dog attack that killed almost 20 other birds. He once attacked his reflection in the fender of a truck and dented the fender. He's gentle as a lamb with humans though-- i can pick him up and snuggle him if i'm quick. His name is Yeti.

Here's a picture of his understudy-- a shamo cockerel about 7 months old. I'm not sure what the color pattern is called-- wheaten? I just lost his matching pullet in the dog attack, she was a gorgeous wheaten with really cool intricate etching like patterns on her wings. I'm pretty bummed out about that.

He stands over 2 feet tall when fully upright. These pictures were taken a couple of months ago, he's actually a little bigger now with more impressive plumage. I'll try to get some better shots.

I have a passion for game birds! They're so fearsome looking, but actually are really loving flock tenders. I love my birds to death.
Is he? I actually do not know much about games even though i adore them. Yeti was my first-- i rescued him from the fighting ring about 6 months ago and was told he was a Brazillian. I tried to find pictures to properly ID him on a forum for fighting cocks, but not only was i not familiar with any of their lingo but a lot of them were from the Philippines and wrote in Tagalog which i don't understand.

I thought American games have had a lot of their 'gaminess' bred out? Or am i thinking of another breed?

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