Oriental Gamefowl Thread!


2013 OShamo Stag
Thanks for correcting your vocabulary. Though not game Malays are Oriental and supposedly there once were game Malays.

Our birds (Orientals and Games) deserve better than a make-believe word like 'roo.' They are stags (or cockerels) and cocks (roosters).

As to flock-watcher, truth be told a bunch of good hens will alert one another as to danger. As far as protecting, an electric fence or a dog is the only way to go. A cock is not going to be much, if any help, with a dog, hawk, owl, fox, coyote or any other predator.

As a matter of fact, I loose more cocks to predation than I do hens.

If you are still interested, we can give you some names, but understand these are expensive birds. A dog really would do you better.
We're not new to raising and keeping chickens or show birds, which include private breeder stock. We also have all the other protections on our ranch, thank you. I am new to this breed and I only came here looking for breeder resources in Texas or New Mexico as per the suggestion given to others inquiring about the same, in other threads on this site.
What does one have to do to get a pair like that shipped to the east coast?

Vern, thank you for the complement. My line of Oshamo is from Mrs Chung in California. I apologize, I don't have extras. The hens will lay once a year, if we are lucky maybe twice. Therefore, we don't get many extras from this line.
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Here are some update of my chickens.

This is the dad and mom

One of the offspring that I've kept. Probably around 5 or 6 months now.

This is an offspring of a ganoi that I gave away. Its the same age as the one above but a little heavier.

You have some nice birds . Like your Ganoi ...

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