Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

@hungnguyen Im still in school just transferred into my engineering program! I have 3 brood cocks and 1 main brood hen. I keep a few random hens to hatch the eggs. Got 3 batches about 34 chicks. Going to hatch one more batch. And call it a season. Mr hung if you know anyone with grey/silver duckwing Thai or asil in Cali let me know! How are your birds doing this year?
We'll see. I don't expect perfect/show quality. If I did, I would find a breeder.

I would simply like to know what age they can be sexed at. If you could give me any information on that, it would be appreciated.
You should know by 4 to 6 weeks based on feather coloration.

I wasn't referring to show quality. I was referring to them being the breeds stated: Saipan and Thai.
You can't know for certain they aren't "real" Saipan and Thai until you see them for yourself. You don't even know where I'm getting them from. You are entitled to your own opinion, of course, but I will not decide they aren't until they're old enough to determine that. Unless you can give me proof right now that they absolutely cannot be?
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in my opinion there are no real saipan and certainly not fron a hatchery. as far as the thai, they might look like thai but doubt if they are. i can tell sex at 6 weeks. here is an asil:
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Oriental Gamefowl from a hatchery is a crap shoot at best, I don`t know of any hatchery that has and maintains it`s own flocks and mostly they have to depend on outside breeders to supply hatching eggs for them, and most reputable breeders don`t sell their eggs to hatcheries and rarely sell eggs to anybody......so like Saladin said
And even though there are some excellent Thai Fowl to found from reputable breeders, the Saipan is somewhat a mythical creature.

Best of luck with your birds!
Back to pleasant conversation! Since we have dispersed more than half our flock of layers (about 180 Australorps), I am beginning to search for just the right kind of Oriental fowl. I will never want to be a 'breeder' but I do want a quality bird or perhaps a trio. I now have room to keep them comfortable in our colder seasons. My son and I are starting a SOP venture with our NNs but I want to have a little 'sideline' just for my own pleasure. [COLOR=FF0000]EDIT: [/COLOR]I borrowed this pic from another site. This type of bird is high on my 'wish list'.
@hungnguyen Im still in school just transferred into my engineering program! I have 3 brood cocks and 1 main brood hen. I keep a few random hens to hatch the eggs. Got 3 batches about 34 chicks. Going to hatch one more batch. And call it a season. Mr hung if you know anyone with grey/silver duckwing Thai or asil in Cali let me know! How are your birds doing this year?
@hungnguyen Im still in school just transferred into my engineering program! I have 3 brood cocks and 1 main brood hen. I keep a few random hens to hatch the eggs. Got 3 batches about 34 chicks. Going to hatch one more batch. And call it a season. Mr hung if you know anyone with grey/silver duckwing Thai or asil in Cali let me know! How are your birds doing this year?
if you know anyone with grey/silver duckwing Thai or asil in Cali let me know! No I don't

How are your birds doing this year? Can't complain

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