Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

I still think they look like pullets from the photos, but that may be due to lack of sunlight, therefore making their faces look pale. I am willing to be wrong as I do have limited experience with Orientals. I have raised them for only three years which does not necessarily make me highly experienced. I have raised chickens for 25 years just not the oriental breeds. The ones I raised were Vietnamese Ganoi, gotten from a friend in Texas. I won't be offended if I am wrong, it takes a lot more than that to offend me.. Do either one of them try to breed the other chickens they are with? Does one of them try to breed the other?
But Troyer . When does the white one lay eggs?
Most of mine started laying between 6-8 months, it didn't matter what time of the year it was. I had a Ganoi hen start brooding eggs in December and hatched them in January. They all survived. She was in a draft free coop, no insulation with plenty of dry bedding.
Normal winter temperatures for this area is 25 degrees at night and 35-40 during the day. With lows being 10 degrees and windy.
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