Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

I went out to feed my chickens today and my grand son ran up ahead of me to my Malay pen. He starts screaming papaw, papaw, come here quick, your rooster is biting a snake! I ran over to the pen and my Malay stag was attacking a 3 1/2ft king snake that wandered into his pen. Well I went and saved the snake before he killed it. My daughter loves snakes so I caught it and gave it to her. A mouse wandered into the pen yesterday and it did not last very long either. They had a tug of war over it. I was going to take a picture of one of my bantam hens beside of him for comparison but as soon as I walked in to the pen he ran over and attacked the little hen in my hands. So pretty much anything that wanders into that pen is a gonner. He is definitely on the game side and has claimed that pen as his territory.
Try it again.
This is what happens when a mouse wanders into my Malay pen..
Here is a picture of one of my little bantam stags. I don't know exactly what type of asil is in him. His sire was hatched from some spangled mini asil eggs I got from a guy in Texas a few years ago.
His tail was much longer before the hens plucked the feathers out.

Here is the sire to him.
I like the sire best.

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