Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

I am in the Knoxville, TN area.
We have cold snaps, but not really prolonged cold periods, at least in my opinion.
The birds can take the cold well as long as they are dry. That is my focus in winter--making sure they are not wet, either feathers or feet.
If there is a really bad cold snap into the single digits, I will take my 2 favorite brood cocks into the green house for the night, and maybe a couple hens. I only have 2 portable cages, so everyone else has to do the best they can. I also make sure they have an all cracked corn diet on the coldest nights right before they roost. To keep their feet dry, I use a lot of straw. They love it.
yea me too , i wish i had a hen broody ide just swap her eggs for these & let her set them .
there in the inqubator now.
I am getting about a dozen eggs a day or more now. Thai, Shamo, Brazilian, Kulang Asil, Pama/Burmese. Mostly pure, but some crosses also. If you need some, just PM me.
I wont be shipping this coming week because of the cold temperatures here.

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