Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

I dont know if this youtube link will work but if it does then witness the judge checking for the stance and conformations i.e. Beak, wing, tail, head......so forth. Also my apologies for those that dont understand thai. I hope this will better the understanding of thai fowls. Even I learn something new each day. Sorry for a quick recap becuz Im at the farm with no pc nor net access n my crappy atnt fone can only do so much.
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Thai roosters will always almost pose with a forward lean regardless of what it is doing (finish eating, ready to crow, showing off, etc). The carcass or body should be at a less aggressive stance (not shamo stance). The shanks ought to be long and proportion to the thigh and "drumstick" length wise. The tail which is pure speculation should not look like a cubalaya tail. Yet, they should gracefully point backward (not soft but brittle). The shoulders tend to open more so making the top back look wider. The neck can be long (I'm not a fan of long necks) but cannot look like shamo's or what we call "swan neck". Where the comb ends and an arch on top of the eye, instantly followed by a downward slant that is present but hardly noticeable, at that slant the eye is closest. The top beak needs to be tucked in not straight but an upward angle. Like the great pyreneese that conveys intelligence and confidence; the thai should display their readiness and steady demeanor. On top of everything I just mentioned, a real thai cock will be 100% and plus GAME. The thai gamefowl is a breed. Maybe it is not recognized by apa or other sanctions but it is a breed. Within the thai gamefowl there are types. So to wrap it up - Cuda was right that lovemybirdpets's stag is not a thai but a mix with a pinch of thai. Thanks to the ban of importing fowls and cockfighting being illegal the thai gamefowl along with others will slowly see a decline in pureness. I tend to not spill my beans but this topic was hard to bypass. Ahhh I don't know nothing.... too much to learn.

Hey Cuda, I need you to PM me. Like to talk about gamefowl and I don't have an account on the other forum. Thanks.

That is a superb cock! I like him a lot!
Paulo what did you do to those Good Old Boys?.......Lick the red off there candy...... kick there dog......., What?

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone could identify the species of these chickens and could confirm whether they're both females. They just randomly appeared in my back garden. Thanks :)


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