Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Found this in my brooder this morning. Had 3 asil chicks missing. Hope he enjoyed his last meal.
Oh heck no!
What species of snake?
I tolerate certain species of snakes on my property. The benefits they provide far out weigh the 6-8 chicks I feed them a year. They (Gopher snakes, Rat snakes, King snakes, and Gardner Snakes) eat more mice, rats , baby gopher and squirrels than I care to try and poison. Rattlers are caught up and relocated.

The key for me has been to built as snake proof cages as possible. Then again, I have found dead, ( pecked to death) 4' gopher snakes in my pens for going in the wrong pen or getting to close to the chicks. Asils and Shamo are very calm birds.....till the "switch is flipped". ...lol!
I tolerate all of the non poisonous snakes as well. But I found this rat snake with 3 chicks in it.My pens are covered with 1" wire, They're built pretty solid but obviously not snake proof. any snake found in the chicken pen is a dead one.... Have to draw the line.
nice birds man...
Do all you hens are darker on the face than your roosters.? The little chick looks like a pullet.

Thank You!
It`s too soon to tell. I have just now thinned this little family down to what I will be working with. I`ll take some pics of the next batch to hatch as they mature.
I think you are correct, I also think that little one is a Pullet too.

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