Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

There are several oriental fowl fanciers on here, I am sure they will join in. I am fairly new to orientals, but very much enamored by them. I am working on brazilians myself. They are a breed that was created and perfected quite a while back. They are a combination of Shamo, Thai and Spanish Fowl. Some have Asil in them as well. I am very small time with them, keeping a dozen or so at the moment.

Some young ones from this year.






A couple young ones I picked up this year, for next year.



A few adult breeders.

Last years pullet. I will get better pics of her later, she is a little rough from the breeding pen at the moment.

Last years stag. Going to use him next year.

Here is a bird that isnt mine. I used him for a short time, he belongs to a friend from Arkansas.
Are Brazilians the same as Indio Gigantes?
no they are not the same as indio gigante. brazillians are a composite breed with shamo, asil, and spanish gamefowl also sometimes thai and packoy and even pama and ganoi. basically you can breed them to your needs. i started with saab, rodgers, and pasquale brazillian and have added a little asil, viper, and ga plucker
I'm interested in getting some wahl
Are they good sitters and how big do they get
My Wahl hen sat on one clutch when she was around a year old. She did good, was a good momma. But the pure Wahl chicks couldn’t take a wet Florida summer free ranging and they all died. The hen herself got sick but survived when hurricane Elsa came over, but then she got penned under a door and fireants killed her.

I never weighed her but I bet she was never more that 3.5lbs. Smaller than I expected her to be. The stag was around 4lbs. I traded him after I got him crossed in my Liege like I wanted.

I think they were good birds but not cut out for Florida’s humidity.
I have a question.
I have a Shamo/Thai stag that was like a puppy. I always picked him up and carried him, pet him. My kids pet him too. He started showing aggression towards my kids around 8 months old and I chalked it up to new hormones. But now that he is over a year he just wants to go after and attack every human he sees; even me sometimes. He only attacks me if my husband or kids walk up to the fence from the other side, but today he didn't stop attacking me after my kids walked away from the fence. He went after my legs, my back, and then my face. I have no idea what made him snap and hate people. All of my other Shamo leave everyone alone.

I've tried picking g him up and holding him for prolonged periods of time; even with him biting at my arms (it hurts and he draws blood). I've also tried showing dominance like I do with my other rooster, but he never backs down. Is there a way I can fix this or does he really have to go to the soup pot?
I bought a shamo x asil and he showed aggression as soon as I took him home I belive it was stress on the animal and getting used to the new environment he is currently in a friend's home with other gamefowl but I have picked him up and he is pretty calm and friendly he does peck fingers when he is hungry but he has not attack me with his spurs like he has done before

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