Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

What's about average cost for shamos from you or suzann ?
really likeN your spangleds and blacks

Also do you know Frank Joseph ?
I don't have any for sale and it is based on what I think they should go for. You would have to ask Suzann what she charges, but it won't be inexpensive with shipping etc. In the long run it is cheaper to buy good stock. Sorry that I cant give you a price...maybe someone else here can.

I have known Frank for many years.

Franks? no.......he is NM now, so I don't see him as much as I did. I will probably see him in maybe a week though. If he shows any Shamo's at Paso I will take a pic of it. I didn't know he had them.

Uhhhh I think he did

Last time we spoke, he mentioned somthing about them or having tryed them out.
knowing myself I probably threw them in the conversion since he's a judge.
I'm trying to learn All I can about asils,shamo etc.

Anyways if he does have any then snap away

I'd love to see pics
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Modern Game for exhibition are classed as "hardfeather", but they are only "Game" in name like Carlisle OEG, Indian/Cornish Game.

Thanks Dick. Not much interrested in anything that is not game. Asils are my passion. Pics of your fowl are very nice. Being in the UK, would you know Mark Giles?...........Pop
Walt, while you're here, can you tell me how you keep your Shamos in good show condition, preventing the thigh feathers from getting damaged or falling out?

I notice people who show their Gamefowl have good specimens, but those of us who don't or haven't had a chance. . . The traditional thigh issue comes up.
I'm not Walt, but I'll give my opinion on this one as I've been showing Orientals a number of years. Of course, as a Judge, I look forward to hearing Walt's opinion.

Orientals being hardfeathered often have 'naked' zones: some strains more than others. This is part of the charateristic of the breed(s) [in general: there are exceptions like Cubalayas].

Many breeders have strains that are quite naked. They like it and breed for it.

A good AOSB Judge will know all this.
A couple of other thoughts (I hope Walt will comment on these as well).

1. It is as important when reading the Std description of a breed (like Asil, Cubalaya, Malay, Shamo, Sumatra) to understand what is NOT said as it is to know what is BEING said.

2. Birds come into condition in different parts of the country at different times. (Take for example the Crossroads Show. If it works like it did 5 years ago then I can promise you the boys and girls from above the Mason Dixon Line will beat the socks off those of us from Dixie. Why? Because while it is still 90 down South they are having 50 degree feather weather!)

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