Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

There's actually a lot one can learn from them especially in concerns to conditioning. I know these birds are naturally muscled but it helps to keep one fit, and they certainly do a lot that also helps a more trusting bond between handler and cock. From what I've seen though, Madagascars in their origin country often are raised running loose, then are in small confinement when older, which, leads back to that need for some sort of conditioning.

Question though, isn't 6 feet rather high for an Oriental type fowl? Especially when young? Or are Madagascars a much smaller breed? They don't seem it.
Well, ya don't need to condition young fowl and when they are old enough to need it, 6ft might be a stretch, but that's the idea. They will find a way and if you don;t have that much room in their pen/coop, do whatcha can. It's probably not like you are conditioning for the pit, right? from what I've seen of Malgache, they are large fowl, much bigger than the Reza type Asil and close in size to a Shamo, or at least a large Brazilian. Are yours small?

I have four madagascar eggs set to hatch this Saturday. They are under an o shamo. What, if anything do I need to do for them? They are in an 18x24 pen with one shamo cock, three araucana hens and one other shamo hen.

If the cock is mature, then all the mom has to protect them from is the other hens. The hens can be deadly, but a mature cock will be fine. The mom should be up to the task........Pop

Another pic of my thai with some of the ladies. Hen in back is a pyle the p comb is a spangle roundhead. Going to work on gettin him some oriental ladies this coming week

Well I wasnt able to get him any oriental hens. I did get some pure shamo chicks. Believe I have 2 little stags and 4 pullets.
One of the pullets could be a stag a little hard to tell at their age.
Going to get pics in the next couple days
just a quick hello here so I can find this thread again. love the Shamo and hope to have some at some point this year. nice birds pictured in this thread :) will take me a while to read through it all and learn what I can before I get some. :frow
Will a 10x10 pen be big enough for 4 O Shamo's three hens & a rooster or does it need to be bigger ?

Will it be big enough? Currently I keep a pair to a 4X5 pen, it works well enough for them but bedding needs to be changed regularly as them being such heavy birds kind of makes it all... Disappear, especially once it rains.

10X10 will probably be large enough, providing the hens get along and don't fight. You could make it bigger though if that is what you'd like.
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Oh yeah, forgot, most games are kept in places less than 4'x4' . . . . Well then, I guess it is up to you really. I just personally prefer my birds to have plenty leg room.
Re: artificially brooding combative chicks. If you want a heat lamp that is not a light, get a ceramic heat emitting bulb meant for reptiles. They also last a LOT longer than the red bulbs. They are pricey - $20-30.
Will a 10x10 pen be big enough for 4 O Shamo's three hens & a rooster or does it need to be bigger ?

I have a Trio Of O Shamo in a 4x8 coop. They go in a 4x8 chicken tractor about 1-2 times per week. They will have a small 8x6 makeshift run here shortly. I wish they had a larger coop but they are in the drawing stages right now. I have to sell some very young fowl in order to build new pens. Its a never ending circle!


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