Announcement Other Poultry Calendars Half Off- Only $5


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 11, 2007
NE Washington State
Ok folks, I am sick of tripping over calendars, sooooooo

The 2018 BYC Other Poultry Calendars are 50% off in the BYC Store til they're gone.


Yup, FIVE bucks each and free US shipping.

Oh and if you buy something like a 1 year PFM in the store, I will mail you one. You need to buy it through this link only. (It won't work if you buy it through your profile here on BYC.)

Let's see. Buy a teeshirt and I'll send you one free. Buy a cookbook or any of the Dummies Books, like THIS ONE and I'll pop one in the shipping envelope.

I really want these out of my house. Get them while they are available. The pictures are awesome, even if January is almost over. :)
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@DuckLady this came at a good time!

Back on Jan. 4th I sent a cookbook as a contest prize to someone but apparently it was lost in the mail. I've just now ordered another cookbook to be sent direct to the contest winner and if she gets a calendar as part of the replacement package, that would be awesome!

Thank you so much :thumbsup

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