Our 6mo. old Silkie Cockerel …


Jul 19, 2021
Lexington, KY
My Coop
My Coop
Our 6mo. old Silkie cockerel really likes to be involved with the egg-laying process 🤷🏻‍♀️

Now, I’ve seen our old Roo escort a hen to a nesting box, and I’ve seen him go to check on a hen if she happens to call out while in the nesting area, but he never wanted to be any more involved than that. —
This little guy will actually go in the nesting box and scratch around to fluff-up the nest. Sometimes, he will stay inside the nesting area until the hen is settled. He will either stay there with her until she done, or he will sit outside the nesting area and wait, either way, he doesn’t leave her.

Anyone else have a Roo/cockerel that acts like this as well? It’s all quite fascinating to me! — Please share your stories with me📒!!!

Meet Sassafras ~>


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