Our chicken has a drooping rear and sagging wings! help!


10 Years
May 4, 2009
Our barred rock is about a year old and today she was very lethargic and breathing heavily. She was laying down in a shaded place away from the other chickens. She is the most skiddish and wont let us pick her up but today she sat in our laps while we felt for any signs of an egg. She has not laid today or yesterday. We are soaking her rear in warm water right now hoping that that will produce an egg. Please help us with what to do!
What does her abdomen feel like. Is it distended and firm or soft and squishy? If it is soft and squishy, that's ok. If it is real firm and distended she could be eggbound.
Has she been laying regularly?
If you suspect that she is eggbound, let her sit in a warm tub of water. Lubricate her vent (bottom opening) with vaseline or oil. Keep her isolated from the others in a warm, dark place.
Is she eating and drinking? Offer her lots of water and treats like yogurt or scrambled eggs.
Hope this helps
Her abdomen is squishy and she is eating and drinking. We are soaking her in warm water as I am typing this. Do you think it could be something with her crop hence the heavy breathing?
What does her crop feel like? Is it unusually distended and tight? If you think this might be the problem you can massage her crop and give her some vegetable oil orally to help move out whatever might be in there. If you do think that's it them hold off on feeding her anything until you know for sure and her crop empties.
Could she have eaten anything she should not have?
She is definately not hot since it was 70 today. Her crop is regular feeling but we can feel some gritty things in there. She is not walking well and seems to be off-balance and dragging her butt. After we soaked her in warm water, she pooped and it was green, runny, and had seeds in it from her scratch that we feed all of them.
If you search lethargic hen above, there are lots of other people who have gone through this and some information may help you. I went through this and never figured out what it was. Good luck with her.

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