Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

No, still hunting for the new family machine.

I did however get the chicks a bit if lawn time today.
Paint? Silkie

Palomino New Hampshire

Blue Australorp


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I went back to edit the names.

So far, we suspect the Cochin to be male, just the speed it has grown. We have also seen the BA and Silkie chest bump once, but not sure if that was a gender thing.

Other than that, it's still too early for us to punt. Hope at least half are females, more would be better naturally!
With a complete lack of knowledge and just going by a "That looks like a dude" gut feeling, I would say, in descending order of certainty, that the BA, Cochin and Silkie look like boys. Hopefully I'm wrong, and they are all bumnutters.
We might have a second layer among our flock. Veera has quite consistently laid her eggs around noon. She first laid for 3 days, took a break for a day, then laid for the next 2 days. All of these eggs have been laid between 11am and 1pm. Today would of been the third day on that row again, but at 4pm, no egg was to be seen still. Now, at 5pm, I found a nice 31g egg in the nest. Either she's gone off her schedule, or she's managed to talk another one into laying. I'm hoping for the latter. Anyway, our flock has now produced half a dozen eggs in total, putting the egg price at about 150 euros a pop, or 5000€/kg. The first one we ate, and the rest we've been saving to make something out of, soon I think we have enough for an omelette.
Well, I've been lurking for quite a while it seems and I'm still not caught up on the back story. Just saying hi and I appreciate that this thread is quite varied but always comes back to chicken talk! :D
Don't, like I said, I enjoy the diversity here, and the chicken speak :p
I'm sitting here feeling very nervous. I have 3 month old chicks, but have my first order of shipped chicks that left yesterday, and today is supposed to be 97degrees. They were shipped priority, but that is still 1-3 days in transit. It's so hard to be patient.
The shared difficulty being patient is another thing I like about this thread.

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