Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

I can't believe I've had chickens for such a short time! Seems like forever...on a good way. I have my twelve 10-11weekers firmly in their coop..now trying to socialize with the 7 weekers...
What a blast!
It does feel like we have been 'in the game' for ages too, but still just under a year for us. Had to learn so much in that time though!

I come home from work in the afternoon and this week I have been letting all the birds out to have a scratch and peck, they all seem to be getting closer and learning about each other. Some of the male Australorps are quite assertive, but considerably smaller than the 13 week old birds. They get all jacked up and then back down. No blood but a lot of chest bumping, wing flapping and hackles going up. This weekend they will spend more time together in the main coop.

We have named all three of the male Australorps now, biggest to smallest; Mr Tea, Big Tea and Lil Tea. So original I know but it is one way to not get too attached to them.

Still waiting on the information train to come back about hatching for that friend of a friend.
Just came in from checking on the coops - okay, tucking them in for the night. Had an awful scare! I looked in the window of the chick coop with the flashlight and I am horrified to see one of them HANGING upside down by the drawstring for the pop-door, wrapped around his leg - eyes open and not moving. I thought the worst. I was relieved when I opened the door and he turned his head toward me. It took quite a while to get him to walk but I think he's alright, his leg doesn't seem broken. I can't believe some idiot [me] didn't realize it's neccessary to pull the drawstring taught and hook it at night so they don't jump 4 ft into the air to grab it and get tangled. So glad I went out to check on them.
Our older flock is much more quiet now. We reduced our roosters down to two on Monday, it's much more peaceful for the hens now. I miss those pretty boys, but not the trouble they caused.
Oh the excitement of chicken life!
Holy smokes batman! A hanging chick, that's one thing I have not had happen so far. Glad the little fella is all right.

Maybe some sort of tension spring on the cord to hold it up??? From all accounts they 'go to sleep' when they are upside down from blood rushing to their heads, so at least he would have been calm.

FTR, I do a 'tuck in round' most nights too.

In for our coldest night this year tonight, forecast 2C (35.6F).....hope they are happy to huddle!
Also, I was sent this link by a family friend recently. For those with a little bit of space and also like to garden, have a watch, you might be able to a version of your own. I would love to do something similar if we had a few acres.
Hi Nova! Those video's worked just fine!

Is that the same birds from our hatch along? 8 weeks old this weekend? He looks pretty big, I think My Tea may be close, but none of our others would be that big. Even our 12 week old boys are not making that kind of sound either, nothing even close, although our have all stopped 'peeping' and have a little chicken 'cluck' noise, but no crowing like that. I have heard Lucky make a weird sound, but more a confused cluck than a crow. We don't have any examples in the area though so they have to learn the hard way.

Yes - 8 wks this weekend, he's not even the biggest one. I have a others that dwarf him. He's been practicing a LOT the last few days. Since Mr Sprinkles never crows, he practices with my EE roo who may be his dad. I know he's an RSL/EE mix. I think hearing other roosters probably gets them crowing younger.

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