Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Got it, might want to delete your full name now! I also managed to retract my request with the wrong wright....this is getting confusing hahaha.

BTW, I had a look at a map of Michigan, and I totally get the 'back of the hand' reference you used the other day.
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Hey... I wonder if you threaten to "Michigan-hand" someone, they'd get it...

Well, my hen is still looking good. Looks like I have to treat the whole flock for lice/mites. Picked up one of my pullets to look her over, she's been sneezing, and when I set her down, little bugs were crawling on me. Yuck. Going to add poultry dust to all their favorite dust bathing areas and make them all mad tonight and give them all a permethrin treatment. Ah heck, I'll give them an ivomec treatment and be SURE. Its easier to put drops on than dusting when you've got 50 odd birds. I blame it on the weather. Its fistfight for the bugs to propagate..
Hey... I wonder if you threaten to "Michigan-hand" someone, they'd get it...

Well, my hen is still looking good. Looks like I have to treat the whole flock for lice/mites. Picked up one of my pullets to look her over, she's been sneezing, and when I set her down, little bugs were crawling on me. Yuck. Going to add poultry dust to all their favorite dust bathing areas and make them all mad tonight and give them all a permethrin treatment. Ah heck, I'll give them an ivomec treatment and be SURE. Its easier to put drops on than dusting when you've got 50 odd birds. I blame it on the weather. Its fistfight for the bugs to propagate..

But then do you eat the eggs if you ivomec? I used permathrin when I had a bird in quarantine and it worked well - not sure I'd want to do fifty birds though then repeat a week later!
Happy birthday by the way!!!
Something we are yet to experience, and would rather not too. The closest I have gotten was seeing someone else (less spoiled) chickens, the roo's had really fat weird legs and I thought to myself "That can't be normal" I swear, that night on a gardening TV show, I saw a segment 'How to treat scaly leg mites' BOOM!, I was educated twice on the same day!

I also saw a FM comment about stick fast fleas (or mites) so I have an idea what to look for there, but round our house we seem to just go straight for the fatal issues, we don't muck around with little bugs hahahaha (so far....would rather the little treatable bugs!)

Oh! Happy Birthday Nova!
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Haha! This thread never fails to keep be entertained! We are dealing with mystery illness around here today. We as in I because husband thinks he should work for a living. I mean, seriously! Why do we need money?!? Must just be an excuse to get away from the chicken poo and kids that try to run barefoot in the coop/run, right?!? No? Okay, so maybe he SHOULD work :)
I am fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom in my 30 person town so I take of animal care too. He hauls off trash, mows the lawn, and grills out for me every chance he gets. Awesome marriage for be! Also, if you haven't noticed, I'm a rambler.
How long until you know for sure you are over marecks?
And happy birthday Nova.
Now here's one impressed chick :) Look at that smile.
Hahaha, happy to brighten your day Em. Sounds like you guys are onto a good thing!

I would love to say that we are clear now BUT I just want to give it a bit longer.

Firstly, from what I have read, it takes about 6 weeks from when it is contracted, until the main symptoms are visible (limping, dropped wing etc) We have passed that time. Our four older pullets are 17 weeks now, and they we our 'start over' hatch, also not vaccinated against MD, so by that thinking, all should be clear.

However, I have also read, that MD strikes mostly during times of stress. The most frequent time being just before or just after they start to lay. We are thinking that is our last hurdle before we proudly say we are out of the woods. I am checking eye's and feet regularly as the girls are coming up to that magical lay......right after I go buy another dozen probably.
Well, it looks to me, that if that one is a faverolles, you've got a boy there, and possibly future dinners!

Between you, me and the wall, I have not stopped eating the eggs after an ivomec treatment. The MSU vet said that it was safe, and he'd take any eggswe don't want after a treatment. What I do do though, is give the first 2 days back, keep the next several days for our use only, and then go ahead and put them back for sale after a week. I only treat again if the first round and the poultry dust doesn't work. I know they say to do a second round, just to be sure... But nope.

Em, what's going on with your birds?
She's just very lethargic. Buff orp about 4-5 weeks old. Crop feels fine except for an air bubble feeling thing. No mites, lice, gnats. Not an impacted crop and I don't suspect sour crop, I've dealt with that this week with another chicken. Poop is normal. She's keeping her head in her feathers and napping all day. Feathers are extra fluffy too.

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