Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Nova, I went out to the coop and tried to look at the chicks without hopeful eyes...you have much more faverolle experience so I'm regrettably thinking you're right. If so I went from 3:4(m/f) to 6:1. I posted a couple pics on the faverolle thread. Sorta hoping the person I got them from sees them and can tell me without doubt based on how hers looked as chicks.
Girls will have just the salmon color at that age. If there is any darkness, like the chick you posted here... you are talking boy. You can get some girls with a more brown color... But when you say some have a smokey color, that concerns me...Are they salmon or did you get some blue salmons in there?

Great info too, Oz. Thanks for sharing that.
Hadn't crossed my mind, I "think" she only has salmons but don't know that for certain. They were listed as salmon faverolle eggs. It's definitely not black though, way lighter than the ones I'm sure are boys. The dark on the chest is grey. I wish I could get a cooperative pic that showed it better - need a better phone camera too.
So far two responses on faverolle thread say boys too.
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If you can't find it that way, and you have a vet around, you can get Albon. It is also a treatment for cocci. Works like a dream. I am lucky, I have a vet who has chickens, and so, I am able to call him and tell him, "Hey, birds got this or that" and he'll be able to get me what I need if I can't get it locally.
Holy smokes we have been busy!
Sounds like Coccidiosis. Need to treat with Corrid before you start losing chicks. I'm dealing with it right now and it's not fun :(
I thought that and did a search but it kept coming back with bloody poo. I know that is a later sign. Glad to get that info as an earlier sign.
In cases like this, a sulfa drug is the best first line. It will tread both cocci and e-coli. Sulfadumethoxine is the more effective sulfa drug for cocci. Sulmet is also pretty effective.
Nice shopping list mate, will keep that in mind for here if we come down with a case.
Ok day and a half to get thru 21 pages what a read it has been! Hi everyone, wanted to continue with this thread so im subscribing. Its amazing how much can be a learning tool and make bonds with fellow chicken keepers from all over. Oh sorry forgot to introduce myself, im Kristy from south Carolina and this is my first time with chickens
been such a joy
WELCOME! It's a bit of a read lol. We try to keep it interesting. Hope your little pullet is getting better.
Right? I am down at the center of the wrist.
Ahhhhhh! So much clearer after seeing a map, kinda like Italy and the boot :)
Hi!!! I'm sure Ben will officially welcome you when he finally wakes up. They sleep during the strangest hours over there. Lol.
Yeah us weirdo's, upside down by nature upside down by sleeping paterns!
Thank you for the welcome, I think your babies are beautiful. I dont know much on breeds, I just have the eggs I hatched from adopted wild chicks, lol. And sexing is so hard for me.
You will get there on the sexing tricks. I spent a lot of time looking for early signs, some were right, some were wrong. I found the most helpful was to lurk around the gender threads looking for similar breeds. Then watch what signs other people give for the same breeds. Eventually you get a feel for the basic stuff, then the breed specific stuff. If in doubt, just ask, people here are usually very good to help out.

Now....as you topside guys hit the hay, I am about off to work! Oz, hope you have a great trip, today is the day for you!
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I need to start with an image.....to set the right frame of 'stupid'

Without realising, tomorrow we will be out the door early. Normally, Alicia or I would be home at that hour, but tomorrow we will all be out. We were faced with a couple of options, call on a neighbor to repay a favour and come over around 8 am and let the roosters out. Let the boys out early when we go, or leave them in until about 9:30 when we get back.

I didn't really like any of them, so I had to come up with a way of opening the door someplace in the middle of tomorrows race.

While tinkering around this afternoon, near last light I decided to steal an idea I had seen in another country used for other reasons. I got our my big roll of trusty army cord, two buckets and made one of the most hideous creations I have ever made. Tested it, worked a treat, expanded it, that worked too! Alicia came home and said it looked like a dogs breakfast, but it works efficiently.......I don't care hahaha, not like I need it every day, just once tomorrow.

Old bucket over an even older bucket. Top bucket has a very small hole in it, filled with 7 liters of water.

Lower bucket is connected to the door via the patio roof. When the top bucket empties into the lower bucket, the weight of the water pulls the door open. Will take about an hour or so to transfer enough water to open the door (6 kg of force for the inquisitive following along, which = 6 litres.)

So then they are out and free, yay for them, but the food, water and GIRLS are on the other side of the run gate. Hmmmm, more cord lol. Ran a long line down to the gate latch, tied it to the bucket handle. When the bucket goes, flicks the latch on the gate as well as opens the night box door. Everyone has free range time from about 8 am until we get home an hour or so later. All without upsetting the neighbors early on a Saturday morning. (You can see how close the back two are to the run)

Providing the cats don't figure it all out in the hour before we get home, it should all be good! Will report back tomorrow with how it went.
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