Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Wow thats a really smart idea Ben. Hope the cats stay away, I have a game cam set up to take pictures of coop and run area and I have one neighbors cat stalking the coop at night. Im not worried about it getting in but it does bother me that its there every night planning on how to get them.
Thanks! We get a few (6) neighborhood cats coming round and walking the cage. Just going to run the gauntlet tomorrow morning. We normally don't let the chickens out unless we are home to keep an eye on them.

Fingers crossed it works when it supposed to hahahaha
As the movie says "See a need, fill a need" I love Robot's, I mean....my kids love the movie Robot's hehehehe

We share the same birth year BTW, I was born in April. Wrightx4's birthday is a few days later, but she is only 21 this year. I'm a lefty too, we rule all things on the left side hahahaha
hahaha! +20! My daughter Kendahl is a lefty - and very creative, must be a left handed thing ;)
Love the bucket engineering. We're going camping later this month for 5 days and decided to go to a place close to home so that I could zip home each day to take care of letting the chickens out in the morning and locking up at night (I know...nice vacation). I had a nearby friend take care of them last year when we only had 8 chickens, she used our pool while we were away so she was happy. I don't want to leave her with the responsibility this time since there are so many more and so many ages - and she's NOT a chicken person. After losing two last week (one to a predator and one to unknown sudden death) I would hate to have something happen while she feels responsible. It's about 9 miles each way so I'm thinking an 18 mile bike ride in the mornings would be nice. By day two I may be doing some bucket rigging. LOL.
Speaking of birthdays, I'm 24 today :)
Spending the day with the kids, husband, and numerous chickens. Chickens MUST know it's a special day because they've all decide to take turns on my shoulder today!

Ben, can you fly to Indiana and put a little of that creativeness to work in my coop?
Right. Michigan first! Happy birthday Em!

Lefties all the way! I really think we are much more creative in the problem solving area. I posted a pic on face book not to long ago about lefties... Its kinda funny, but depressing because some of it describes me to a tee... Ho-hum

Good racing tomorrow, Ben.

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