Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Lol yep im April baby too. 15th. I like robot also. Your family is adorable. Always wanted to see Australia I bet its beautiful
7th for me Hahahaha, funny that. Australia is beautiful, and we have some really nice people here. We also have some average places with average people, just like anywhere else. What seems to impact on mot visitors is the vastness and the 'deadly animals' Australia is not as big as the US, but it is a widespread low population place. If I left home first thing in the morning, and drove towards the border all day for two days I would still be in our state! Towns are wide spread and small, yet we have modern cities, and some really nice beaches.

We have grown up with the local animals, so kind of used to it, but visitors seem a bit jumpy as we have quite a few natives that are deadly or dangerous. It's not like they are under every rug or bush, but they are hear.
hahaha! +20! My daughter Kendahl is a lefty - and very creative, must be a left handed thing

Love the bucket engineering. We're going camping later this month for 5 days and decided to go to a place close to home so that I could zip home each day to take care of letting the chickens out in the morning and locking up at night (I know...nice vacation). I had a nearby friend take care of them last year when we only had 8 chickens, she used our pool while we were away so she was happy. I don't want to leave her with the responsibility this time since there are so many more and so many ages - and she's NOT a chicken person. After losing two last week (one to a predator and one to unknown sudden death) I would hate to have something happen while she feels responsible. It's about 9 miles each way so I'm thinking an 18 mile bike ride in the mornings would be nice. By day two I may be doing some bucket rigging. LOL.
Shhhh, no one will know I was flexing the truth hahahaha. Sounds good for a bike ride. I don't mind camping, but our boys are 4 and 6, and mud magnets. I have camped with them in the yard before and it was a trying experience hahaha. When they are a little bit older I will take them out more often.

At least being close to home you get fresh eggs while camping, not many people can say that!
Speaking of birthdays, I'm 24 today :)
Spending the day with the kids, husband, and numerous chickens. Chickens MUST know it's a special day because they've all decide to take turns on my shoulder today!

Ben, can you fly to Indiana and put a little of that creativeness to work in my coop?
A very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY Em, 24 is a great age I think. Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway hahaha. Glad to hear it's going well.

As for flying, I would lov to bring the family to the states and take some time to look around. A friend of mine just got back from riding Route 66 on a Harley, and also did a bit of time in a Camero (there was a few that took turns on the bikes or car) He had the best time and saw some 'off the beaten track' stuff. Would love to do it when the money permits.
Wait in line Em - he's flying to Michigan first! LOL! Happy birthday!
Hahaha, the hand would certainly be on the list of places to go. I don't mind earning my keep if your family don't mind visitors hahaha
Right. Michigan first! Happy birthday Em!

Lefties all the way! I really think we are much more creative in the problem solving area. I posted a pic on face book not to long ago about lefties... Its kinda funny, but depressing because some of it describes me to a tee... Ho-hum

Good racing tomorrow, Ben.
That's right mate, Lefties rock. I saw your pic and that was why I brought it up, hoped to flush a few more of us out hahahaha.

Race went really well, I ran with Alicia as a 'motivator' lol, also known as 'annoying person with happy things to say that you just want to get away from' lol I am very proud of her, she set a new PB today, smashed her old time by about 2 minutes!!!!

Speaking of this,I came to update about project "Bucket"

50% win, 50% not = fail. Well, sort of, lesson learnt. The run gate was open, the lower bucket was filling but it had not yet opened the night box door. Poor fellers had been in there until almost 10 am. The dirty old bucket I used for the top, had some grit or sand or something wash into the hole, and slowed the flow. Worked, but something I did not anticipate floored my plan. Everyone was fine, the boy's were happy to get out, went to the girls, then the food and water.

Glad we won't be using it regularly!
Bwhahahahahaha, a true ROFL.

I am stealing that joke, funny as, Alicia loves Peanut Butter!

I thought about putting water in there for them, but reconsidered due to droppings landing in there. Will think harder about that next time too.

This afternoon I picked up some scrounged carpet, it's drying now after a wash but I am going to try mount it to the inside of the box. Every modification is making it that little bit quieter. I am confident two neighbors will never hear a full grown crow, but there is still one that may. Tinker tinker, keeps me off the streets.
50 percent is good for first try, it worked for most of the chicks, just boys had longer time to sleep in, lol. Alicia should be very proud of herself. Tell her great job for me please.
Im definitely a nature child, love the trees, the plants, the wide open spaces, and blue or grey skies, sunny or rainy. Just being outdoors is relaxing but not in crowded cities, its just buildings and busy people. No time to slow down and just enjoy the land. Growing up, I always heard Australia had a lot of open space and beautiful sites. So ive always had hopes to make it there someday. Sorry for the blabbering.
Camping can be quite fun even with the mess, in fact it may make it better that way, lol. Ive always been outdoorish type and can not understand where my 2 girls learned to be so prissy and girlie, New learning there too, lol.
But anyhoo how's the birdies? You have some of the prettiest chickens ive seen. Now I want to clear more of the property to get specific types, unlike the mutts,lol, that I have(still love them).
Off to put up pen to reintroduce smaller chicks, not Charlie yet.
Our birds are doing really well, growing nicely, and Luna our black Australorp is getting wider, fluffier and redder as each day goes past. I used our last egg today and really hoped I would find one in the coop today. I had to go buy a dozen. Hopefully that is the trigger to get her laying hahahaha

The other three older birds (2x Light Sussex and 1x Rhode Island Red) are not far behind Luna, still a couple of months before the rest are laying I think.

Alicia usually reads this, but I will let her know our US pen pals say hi and congratulations :)
you've all been busy without me this morning! Congrats Alicia!!! (and Ben) haha. By the way, love her name, so much I gave it to my daughter. It was almost her first name but when she was born she just more like a "Kendahl Alycia".
Haha PB - peanut butter - my first thought too when I saw PB on a running app. I thought the "motivator" reference was too funny - I go alone except when I drag one of my co workers out for an in-town run after work. I go on dirt roads mostly so the scenary and music keeps me entertained since there's little chance of seeing another runner or even a car for that matter.

Are the eggs the same size when they first start laying as they are full grown birds? Im glad they're all doing well. And from what ive read on egg laying threads, if you buy eggs the hen usually steps it on her laying lol.

They're usually quite little for a while. Some of mine were about 1/4 the size of my older hens' eggs - but they lay jumbos every day now :D.

Ben, if your family comes to Michigan I'm afraid what fun projects you and my husband may come up with! He was a machine designer/builder for quite a few years until the company we worked for was sold (fabrication engineer...some title like that).

And about the dirt while camping...LOL...we only have clean dirt in Michigan! :lol:

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